IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.11.0
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List of Built in Reports
API Latency Report
API Latency
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Catalog
- Space
- Product
- Plan
- API Name
- API Version
- App Name
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Key | The catalog name |
doc_count | Number of times the catalog name appeared for the specified filters (time, device, etc) |
Key | The API Name |
doc_count | Number of times the API name appeared for the catalog name |
Key | The API Version |
doc_count | Number of times the API version appeared for the api name |
Key | The FE Response code |
doc_count | Number of times the FE Response code appeared for the api version |
Key | Average Total Latency |
doc_count | Average total latency for each response code |
Key | Max Total Latency |
doc_count | Max total latency for each response code |
Default Sort: First doc_count, Descending.
Device CPU Report
Devices ordered by average CPU
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Device | The device name |
Samples | Samples recorded for the device |
Average CPU (%) | Average CPU utilization recorded across samples |
Maximum CPU (%) | Maximum CPU utilization recorded across samples |
Default Sort: Average CPU (%), Descending.
Device Resources Report
All device resources samples
*The Device Resources report will return up to 10,000 rows
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Total Installed Memory | Total installed memory in the monitored device |
Used Memory (%) | Used memory (Percent) |
Sample Time | Sample time |
System Load | System load percentage |
Used CPU (%) | Used CPU percentage |
Device Name | The device where the sample run |
Default Sort: Sample Time, Ascending.
Domain Request Size Report
Domains ordered by total request size
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Domain | The domain name |
Transactions | Number of transactions for the domain |
Total Request Size (bytes) | Total size of messages for the domain |
Default Sort: Total Request Size (bytes), Descending.
Domain Total Transactions Report
Domains ordered by total number of transactions
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Domain | The domain name |
Transactions | Number of transactions for the domain |
Default Sort: Transactions, Descending.
Executed Transactions Report
List of all executed transactions
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Service
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Time | Transaction execution time |
Transaction ID | The transaction id |
Client IP | The client IP of the machine (or load balancer) where this transaction started |
Device | The device where the transaction run |
Domain | The domain where the transaction run |
Service Name | Service name |
Default Sort: Time, Descending.
Message Codes Count Report
Message codes distribution
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Service
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Key | The message code (for example 0x80e0068d) |
doc_count | Number of times the message code appeared for the specified filters (time, device, etc) |
Key | Message Log level |
doc_count | Number of times the message code appeared for the log level |
*There may be one or more log levels where the message appeared, each log level will be shown in the separate line.
Default Sort: First doc_count, Descending.
Service Average Latency Report
Average latency report per services
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Service
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Service Name | Service name |
Executions | Number of service executions within time range. |
Avg Front-End Request - Network Latency (ms.) | Average front-end request network latency in milliseconds. |
Avg Front-End Response - Network Latency (ms.) | Average front-end response network latency in milliseconds. |
Avg Gateway Response Latency (ms.) | Average gateway response network latency in milliseconds. |
Avg Service Elapsed Time (ms.) | Average elapsed time in milliseconds. |
Avg Back-End Request - Network Latency (ms.) | Average back-end request network latency in milliseconds. |
Avg Gateway Request Latency (ms.) | Average gateway request network latency in milliseconds. |
Avg Back-End Response - Network Latency (ms.) | Average back-end response network latency in milliseconds. |
Avg Backend Elapsed (ms.) | Average back-end elapsed network latency in milliseconds. |
Default Sort: Avg Service Elapsed Time (ms.), Descending.
Service Average Request Size
Average request size per service
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Service
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Service Name | Service name |
Executions | Number of service executions within time range. |
Average Request Size (bytes) | Average request size in bytes. |
Default Sort: Average Request Size (bytes), Descending.
Service Elapsed Time Report
Services ordered by average elapsed time
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Service | Service name |
Transactions | Number of transactions for the service |
Average Time (ms) | Average elapsed time across all samples |
Maximum Time (ms) | Maximum elapsed time across all samples |
Default Sort: Average Time (ms), Descending.
Service Latency Report - Extended
Latency data for all transactions that ended successfully, similar to the Service Average Latency Report.
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Service
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Service Name | Service name |
Service URI | The Service URI |
Device | The device name where the transaction run. |
Domain | The domain name where the transaction run. |
Transaction ID | The Transaction ID. |
Front-End Request - Network Latency (ms.) | Front-end request network latency in milliseconds. |
Front-End Response - Network Latency (ms.) | Front-end response network latency in milliseconds. |
Gateway Response Latency (ms.) | Gateway response network latency in milliseconds. |
Service Elapsed Time (ms.) | Elapsed time in milliseconds. |
Back-End Request - Network Latency (ms.) | Back-end request network latency in milliseconds. |
Gateway Request Latency (ms.) | Gateway request network latency in milliseconds. |
Back-End Response - Network Latency (ms.) | Back-end response network latency in milliseconds. |
Backend Elapsed (ms.) | Back-end elapsed network latency in milliseconds. |
Service List Report
Detailed Service List
This report will produce output only when DPOD's service configuration sampling is enabled (it is enabled by default)
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
Summary Table
Column | Description |
FE Request Queue | Front end Request Queue |
BE Request Queue | Back end Request Queue |
FE Service Name | Front end service name |
FE Protocol | Front end protocol this service runs on. |
FE Port | Front end TCP port for this service |
BE Qmgr Name | Back end Queue Manager for this service (when relevant) |
FE URI | Front end URI for this service |
FE Address | Front end IP Address for this service. |
Domain | The domain this service is deployed on |
FE Qmgr Name | Front end Queue Manager for this service (when relevant) |
Device | The device this service is deployed on |
BE Response to Queue | Front end Response Queue |
Service Name | The service name |
FE SOAP version | SOAP Version for this service (where applicable) |
BE Protocol | Back end protocol this service runs on. |
FE Response to Queue | Front end Response Queue |
BE URI | Back end URI for this service |
BE Service Type | Back end type of service. (for example, MultiProtocolGateway, XMLFirewallService, etc) |
BE Port | Back end TCP port for this service |
FE QMGR Group | Front end Queue Manager Group for this service (when relevant) |
BE Address | Back end IP Address for this service |
Service Memory Report
Services ordered by average consumed memory
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Service | Service name |
Samples | Number of samples for the service |
Average Memory (KB) | Average memory utilization across all samples |
Maximum Memory (KB) | Maximum memory utilization across all samples |
Default Sort: Average Memory (KB), Descending.
Service Total Errors Report
Services ordered by total number of erroneous transactions
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Device | Device name |
Service | Service name |
Errors | Total number of errors for the service in domain |
Default Sort: Errors, Descending.
Service Total Successful Transactions Report
Services ordered by total number of successful transactions
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Service | Service name |
Successful Transactions | Total number of successful transactions for the service |
Default Sort: Successful Transactions, Descending.
Service Total Transactions Report
Services ordered by total number of transactions
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Service | Service name |
Transactions | Total number of transactions for the service |
Default Sort: Transactions, Descending.
System Errors Report
Critical system error messages
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Message | The error message key |
Count | The number of errors encountered for this message-key |
Default Sort: Count, Descending.
Error Details Table
Column | Description |
Message | Message text |
Time | The timestamp (to milliseconds) the error was recorded at |
Severity | Severity of the error.
Device | The name of the device where the error was found |
Category | WDP category of the message |
Default Sort: Time, Descending.
Top Documents Count per Interval
Time intervals with the most syslog documents. (default is 1 second)
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Service
Name | Description | Default Value |
Interval | Sample interval - for example 1s=1 second, 1m= 1 minute | 1s |
howManyResults | Number of top intervals to return, the max value is 65535 | 100 |
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Epoch Time | Epoch Time starting the interval |
DPS | Syslog documents per that interval |
Default Sort: DPS, Ascending
Top Transactions Count per Interval
Time intervals with the most transactions. (default is 1 second)
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Service
Name | Description | Default Value |
Interval | Sample interval - for example 1s=1 second, 1m= 1 minute | 1s |
howManyResults | Number of top intervals to return, the max value is 65535 | 100 |
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Epoch Time | Epoch Time starting the interval |
TPS | Transactions per that interval |
Default Sort: TPS, Ascending
Total API Executions Report
Total API Executions
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Catalog
- Space
- Product
- Plan
- API Name
- API Version
- App Name
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Key | The catalog name |
doc_count | Number of times the catalog name appeared for the specified filters (time, device, etc) |
Key | The API Name |
doc_count | Number of times the API name appeared for the catalog name |
Key | The API Version |
doc_count | Number of times the API version appeared for the api name |
Key | The FE Response code |
doc_count | Number of times the FE Response code appeared for the api version |
Default Sort: First doc_count, Descending.
Transactions Above Elapsed Time
Transactions with elapsed time greater or equals to a threshold
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Service
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Elapsed (ms.) | The elapsed time in milliseconds of the transaction |
Time | Transaction execution time |
Transaction ID | Transaction id |
Client IP | The client IP of the machine (or load balancer) where this transaction started |
Device Name | Device executing the transaction |
Global Transaction ID | Global transaction id |
Domain Name | The domain on the device |
Default Sort: Average Request Size (bytes), Descending.
Transactions Latency Statistics Report
Detailed transaction latency separated for each gateway, domain and service
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Service
Summary Table
Column | Description |
key | Gateway name |
doc_count | Total number of transactions for this gateway |
Device Avg Time (ms) | Average latency in ms. for all transactions in this gateway |
key | Domain name |
doc_count | Total number of transactions for this domain |
Domain Avg Time (ms) | Average latency in ms. for all transactions in this domain |
key | Service name |
doc_count | Total number of transactions for this service |
90% Percentile (ms) | The latency in ms. of the 90% percentile of transactions for this service |
95% Percentile (ms) | The latency in ms. of the 95% percentile of transactions for this service |
99% Percentile (ms) | The latency in ms. of the 99% percentile of transactions for this service |
Minimum Time (ms) | The minimum transaction time for this service |
Avg Time on DP (ms) | Average latency in ms. for all transactions of this service |
Maximum Time (ms) | The maximum transaction time for this service |
URI Detailed Latency Report
Detailed URI Latency Report
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
Summary Table
Column | Description |
Elapsed Time (ms) | The elapsed time in milliseconds of the transaction |
Device | The device where the transaction Run |
Service URI | URI of the transaction |
Domain | The domain where the transaction Run |
URI Summary Latency Report
URI Request Summary Latency List
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
Summary Table
Column | Description |
URI | URI of the transaction |
Total Transactions | How many transactions run during the time for this URI |
90% Percentile(ms) | The latency in ms. of the 90% percentile of transactions for this URI |
95% Percentile(ms) | The latency in ms. of the 95% percentile of transactions for this URI |
99% Percentile(ms) | The latency in ms. of the 99% percentile of transactions for this URI |
Average Time (ms) | The latency average in ms. of all transactions for this URI |
Minimum Time (ms) | The latency in ms. of the transaction with the minimum latency for this URI |
Maximum time(ms) | The latency in ms. of the transaction with the maximum latency for this URI |
Default Sort: Average Time (ms), Descending.