IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.8.6
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How to Uninstall DPOD from DataPower
DPOD was designed to be non-intrusive. Therefore, there are only a few steps required to reverse its setup on the DataPower device.
This page describe how to manually remove DPOD's configuration from a monitored device. Alternatively, you can run a script to automatically remove the setup. See Backing up and Restoring DPODs IDG related configuration
Before you Start
You do not need to uninstall DPOD if you only need to disable it for investigation purposes.
You can stop DataPower from sending syslogs to DPDD by selecting "Monitored Devices" from the Manage menu, and changing the "Device Syslog Status" to disabled.
To uninstall DPOD, perform the following steps on your monitored DataPower device.
These steps can be done manually as describe below or a by using scripts as described in Backing up and Restoring DPODs IDG related configuration
Remove Syslog Targets
You can remove DPOD's log targets from the monitored device automatically or manually:
1. Automatically - from DPOD's Manage→Devices->Monitored Devices page, select the monitored device and click "Delete Device", check the box "Delete Syslog log targets from device" in the confirmation window.
2. Manually - On the Gateway's “Manage Log Targets” screen, select all log targets starting with “Montier*” and "DPOD-MSC*" and delete them.
Repeat for all domains:
Remove Log Categories
On the "Log Categories" screen, delete all the categories starting with "montier" or "msc-"
Remove Host Aliases
On the "Host Aliases" screen, delete all the aliases starting with "montier" or "MSC-"
(Optional) Change Web Services Management Capture Mode
On the “Web Services Management Agent” screen, change "Capture Mode" from “All” to “None” or “Faults only”
(Optional) Disable the Certificate Monitor
Leaving it as is will not have much effect (except for writing a few syslog records from time to time). As its impact is low - this step may be skipped unless there is a specific reason to disable it.
On the “Crypto Certificate Monitor” screen, change the Administrative state to “disabled”
(Optional) XSLT
In every webservice proxy, go into the processing policy and remove the Montier policy from all the processing rules
Verify all the objects in this list are removed
Decommission the DPOD machine
When all steps above are completed, the DPOD appliance may be decommissioned safely.