IBM© DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.5.0
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The Banner
The Banner
The banner at the top of DPOD's GUI provides quick access to:
The Navigation Bar Expand Button
Which can be used to expand the Navigation Bar and show captions for the icons on it.
The Service Center name
Which is set by DPOD’s administrator, and allows different sessions for different topologies.
The logged in user controls
The logged in user controls
Lets the logged in user change preferences, change password and sign out.
The Product View Icon
Switch between DataPower and API Connect product views
The Auto-reload list
Lets users configure the interval DPOD uses to auto-reload the data displayed.
The Help Toggle
The toggle shows or hides DPOD’s context-sensitive help for the User Interface.
Clicking to activate the toggle will display small
icons on the screen elements.Hover on an icon to display the context-sensitive help related to the element.
Click the Help Toggle again to hide all icons.