IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.22.x

Non-Appliance Server Installation

Perform the following steps to deploy DPOD on a pre-installed RHEL/Rocky Linux operating system.


Make sure to follow the Operating System Requirements for Non-Appliance Mode.

Obtain the Software and the Activation Key

  1. Download the CEF file and its md5 checksum file from Passport Advantage (file name is DPOD_NonAppliance_<VERSION>.cef).
    Verify the CEF file integrity by calculating its md5 checksum and comparing it to the downloaded md5 checksum file.

  2. Download the activation key file from Passport Advantage (file name is DPOD-full-version-activation-key-<KEY-VERSION>.zip or DPOD-api-calls-activation-key-<KEY-VERSION>.zip):

    1. The activation key is included in the download assembly for the program you purchased. In Passport Advantage, make sure to select version “1.0.x” (and not the specific DPOD version).
      For the full version, please apply the activation key found in eAssembly "IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard V1.0.x Full Version Activation eAssembly" (G071VEN/M088JEN).
      For the API calls version, please apply the activation key found in eAssembly "IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard V1.0.x API Calls Version Activation eAssembly" (G071TEN/M088HEN).

    2. The activation key file is a password-protected zip file. Do not try to unzip the activation key zip file.

Execute the CEF File

  • The installation is packaged as a CEF (Compressed Executable Format) file.

  • The CEF file may be executed from any directory that meets the following requirements (e.g.: /installs):

    • The directory has at least 1GB of free space after the CEF file is copied into it.

    • The directory is NOT mounted with noexec flag (e.g.: in /etc/fstab).

    • The directory is NOT one of the following: /app, /logs, /data.

  • Copy the CEF file into the chosen directory.

  • Execute the following commands:

    cd <CEF_DIRECTORY> chmod 755 <CEF_FILE> sudo ./<CEF_FILE>
  • By default, the installation will extract temporary files to a sub-directory in the CEF file’s directory. To change the destination directory, use the option --staging-path <directory>.

  • Do not interrupt the software update process after you confirmed it and the background process has started.
    If SSH connection is lost during upgrade, the upgrade will still continue. Reconnect to the server and check the log files for the process status and outcome.

Silent Installation

Installing DPOD in a silent mode is possible by supplying a YAML file with all the configuration properties required in the following format:

installation: deploymentProfile: <Deployment Profile> environmentName: <Environment Name> appUserName: <Linux User Name> appUserGroup: <Linux User Group> externalIpAddress: <External IP Address> timeZone: <Time Zone> ntpServers: - <NTP Server IP> - <NTP Server IP> installer: isShowWelcome: false isEulaAccepted: true isInstallationConfirmed: true

Add the YAML file as an argument of the CEF file when executing it:

sudo ./<CEF_FILE> --installation-config-file-path <Configuratyion yaml file path>

The following table describes the configuration properties in the YAML file:






The deployment profile as described in Hardware and Software Requirements.



An 1-4 alphanumeric characters long name to identify the system (e.g.: prod, dev, etc.).

appUserName / appUserGroup

Non-privileged OS user and group, see Operating System Requirements for Non-Appliance Mode for more details.


IPv4 address to be used to access the Web Console / Admin Console / Agents (Syslog and WS-M).


System time zone.

Possible values can be displayed by executing timedatectl list-timezones.


List of NTP server addresses (IP or domain name), an empty list will use the NTP servers already configure in the OS.


When false, skips the welcome screen of the installation. Defaults to true.


When true, indicates that the terms of the EULA are accepted by the user who’s installing the application, and skips the EULA screen of the installation. Defaults to false.


When true, indicates that the installations configuration is correct and that the changes made by the installation to the operating system are accepted accepted by the user who’s installing the application, and skips the confirmation screen of the installation. Defaults to false.


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