IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.21.x

Upgrade to - Special Steps

Upgrade configuration database data format

The following steps apply only to the DPOD All-in-One installation and the cell manager.

Before applying the upgrade to, apply the following commands:

echo "disconnect;connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/montier;shutdown=true';connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/montier;upgrade=true';" | ij echo "values syscs_util.syscs_get_database_property( 'DataDictionaryVersion' )" | ij

Expected output:

ij version 10.15 MONTIER* - jdbc:derby://montier-derby:1527/montier * = current connection ij> ij> ERROR 08006: DERBY SQL error: ERRORCODE: 45000, SQLSTATE: 08006, SQLERRMC: Database 'montier' shutdown. ij> ij> ij version 10.15 MONTIER* - jdbc:derby://montier-derby:1527/montier * = current connection ij> > 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.15 1 row selected


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