IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.21.x

Import Service

The Import Service feature is designed to import one or multiple services from an export file.
You can import service(s) with the following limitations:

  1. The export file (ZIP, XML or XCFG) should include only one service
  2. You may only import export files of the same service and type (e.g. you can not import the export of WS-proxy-A or MPGW-B into WS-proxy-B)
  3. The export file should not be a domain export
  4. The import file size does not exceed the limit set by the system admin (the installation default is 10MB. system admins - please consult the DevOps Portal Setup and Customization section on how to change this value)

All included objects will be overridden in the target service(s)

From the DevOps Services Portal services list, check one or more services and select "Import Service" from the Actions menu.

  1. The top part of the window is informational and shows the current OP State and Admin State of the services, you may perform an import into service regardless of its OP or admin states.
  2. Upload ZIP, XML or XCFG file containing the export.
  3. The Deployment Policy selector may or may not be mandatory, according to the system admin setup (it is not mandatory by default. system admins - please consult the DevOps Portal Setup and Customization section on how to change this value)
    The Deployment Policy dropdown contains deployment policies that were pre-loaded into DPOD by the system admin, you cannot upload your own deployment policies.
  4. Select "Dry Run Before" to execute the DataPower's dry-run import before the actual import, if any errors are returned from the dry-run - DPOD will stop and will not import the service.
  5. Click on "Execute", the execute button will be grayed out if you did not upload an import file

Execution Flow

  1. DPOD will check the file size limit, file extensions, and other initial validations.
  2. A custom python script will be executed to check and possibly override the deployment policy that was selected by the user.
  3. A custom python script will be executed to run validations on the import file (for example - check that the file is not a domain export).
  4. If "Dry Run Before" was checked by the user - run a Dry-Run Import.
  5. If the Dry Run finished successfully (or was not requested) - perform the actual import.

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