IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.21.x

Probe Capture

The Probe Capture page shows active API probe captures and allows the user to stop active captures and create new captures.

This page only shows and manages captures that were created by DPOD.

View or Stop Active API Probe Captures

The Probe Capture page shows a list of currently active API probe captures:





Capture ID

The id of the capture. When clicking on it - you can access all captured transactions.


The device in which API probe is captured.


The domain in which API probe is captured.


The selected filters.

Captured Transactions

The number of captured transactions.

User Name

The user name who created the capture.

Start Time

When the capture started.


The status can be one of the following: Stopping / completed / Aborted or Active (“Stop API Probe Capture”).
When API probe capture is active, the user can stop the capture by clicking on the “Stop API Probe Capture” link.
Every user that has access to the page (and has permission to view the device/domain) may stop a capture, even if it was created by another user or by an admin.

Create API Probe Capture

Click the "New API Probe Capture" button (on the top-right) to create a new capture.
Enter the following information:






Specifies the name of the device to activate capture on.


Specifies the name of the domain that uses the capture setting.

Debug Header

Required - Indicates to capture only transactions that include the APIm-Debug: true header.
Not Required - not restricted

Log Level

Sets the log level of the probe data to be captured.

Duration in Minutes

Limited - Specifies the duration in minutes to capture.

Capture Count

Specifies the number of transactions to capture.

Interval between Transactions

With Interval - Specifies the interval in seconds between which the data for two consecutive transactions can be captured. No two transactions in the same interval are captured. Specify a value in the range 1 - 3600.

All Transactions - There is no restriction, all transactions will be captured.

API Probe Filters (Optional)

Catalog - Filter transactions by the API catalog name.
API Name - Filter transactions by the API name.
Client IP - Filter transactions by the client IP address.
Client ID - Filter transactions by the client ID.
Full URI - Filter transactions by the request path. The request path must include the full URI to access the APIs, including the base path specified in the API definition and the operation path specified in the API path configuration. Routing prefixes specified in the API collection are not supported in the request path. (/montierorg10/montiercatalog/accounts-101/withdraw)

API-Connect Probe Capture

API-Connect Probe captures are used for capturing Debug-level data for each policy in the API transaction.
The data includes requests, responses and headers of invoke policies, inputs and outputs of map policies, context variables, etc..
The capture may be limited by time, transactions count, interval, API name, etc.
This feature replaces the Policy Variables Capture feature, which supports only v5/v5c APIs, and will be removed soon from DPOD.


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