This page describes how DPOD prepares the execution flow of a sync plan (using tasks) and subsequently - how the tasks themselves are executed
Task Creation Flow
General execution flow for a sync plan:
- Verify that the system allows Syncs to run. (See Configurable Parameters and Settings to learn how to enable or disable all sync activities)
- Verify that the current system time is within the maintenance window timeframe defined for the plan
- Iterate over all the activities defined for the plan, and split them into executable tasks.
For example: consider a plan with two activities, one to sync device PROD1 to DR1 and a second to sync domain pattern with source device = PROD1, source domain = Flight* and target device = PROD2
DPOD will create five tasks:
a. sync for source device/domain=PROD1/Domain1 and target device/domain DR1/Domain1
b. sync for source device/domain=PROD1/Domain2 and target device/domain DR1/Domain2
c. sync for source device/domain=PROD1/Domain3 and target device/domain DR1/Domain3
d. sync for source device/domain=PROD1/Flight1 and target device/domain PROD2/Flight1
e. sync for source device/domain=PROD1/Flight2 and target device/domain PROD2/Flight2 - If all the created tasks are in "Skipped" state (because the devices are not available, or because no devices or domains matched the input patterns) - the plan will stop
- If there are any tasks waiting to be executed - the Pre-Plan Script will be executed (if requested in the plan settings) the plan will stop if the script's return code is larger than 0.