Versions Compared


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Non-Appliance Mode Only

The steps below are only applicable for installation in Non-Appliance mode, and should be performed by your Linux your Linux administrator.


This video demonstrates how to prepare a RHEL 7.8 operating system for DPOD Non-Appliance mode installation. Use it just as a demonstration, as it is not kept up-to-date with every change in the requirements. When preparing the operating system, you should follow the procedure provided below.



Supported operating system

Verify that

your operation

the operating system is

one of the supported operating systems

supported by DPOD as described in 

System Requirements. You may use

Hardware and Software Requirements. After the server OS is installed, this can be verified using the following command:

Code Block
 cat /etc/redhat-release

Resources allocation


Allocate resources according to




chosen architecture type

, and that all resources

as listed in


Hardware and Software Requirements

 are available. You may use

. After the server OS is installed, this can be verified using the following commands:

Code Block
free -h





Ensure you have at least one network


interface installed and configured with full access to network services, such as DNS and NTP

(the same as your Gateways).See Network Preparation for

Some configurations, such as the Cell environment, require 2 network interfaces. See Network Preparation and Firewall Requirements for more details.

Root access


The installation must be performed by a root user.

 You cannot use sudo instead.

However, you may run it after running the command: su -

Do not override the PATH variable with a fixed value during login sequence, as this will override the value set by DPOD installation in .bash_profile and will cause various scripts to fail.
Do not use script command during the login sequence to make typescript of the terminal session for audit, as this will cause various scripts to hang.
Do not use trap command to clear the terminal on session close, as this will cause various scripts to get extra characters as their input and fail.
Do not print a disclaimer in .bashrc, as this will cause various scripts to get the disclaimer as their input and fail.

Disks, mount points


, file systems and logical volumes

DPOD Standard Edition

DPOD requires at least 3 disks (LUNs / physical / virtual)

to support throughput, for both production and non-production installations

for the operating system, for the application and for the data. Some configurations, such as the Cell environment, require additional disks.
Please allocate the mount points / file systems on the different disks, as described in Table 1 below.

 It is strongly recommended to use logical volume manager (LVM) - particularly for the data disks.
Once configured, you may verify

there are 3 disks

the configuration using the following command:

Code Block

Tip: to create the mount points / file systems during RHEL installation:

  • Choose Installation

Destination option
  • Destination option.

  • Select all Local Standard drives and choose option "I will configure partitioning" under the "Other Storage Options" section.

  • Follow the table below and add all mount points with required definitions using the "+" button.

  • To create a volume group (sys, app, data), when applicable, open the "Volume Group"

  •  listbox and choose "create new volume group ...".

Store service dedicated OS user and group

The Store service requires a dedicated OS user and group to run. Consider executing the following command:

Code Block
groupadd storeadms && useradd -g storeadms -md /home/storeadm -s /bin/bash storeadm

OS locale

The supported OS locale is en_US.UTF-8. Check the OS Locale Configuration and change it if necessary.

Installation file and environment

Ensure your /tmp directory has at least 1GB of free space.

Installation from a different directory is possible. If you opt to run the install from a directory other than /tmp, ensure that this directory:

    • Has at least 1GB of free space.
    • Is NOT one of these folders: /app, /logs, /data, /shared, /installs.

Download the CEF file and transfer it to the installation directory (e.g. /tmp) on the pre-installed OS server.

Execute the following command from the pre-installed OS server terminal:

chmod 755 ./<File Name>

SELinux configuration

Changes in SELinux configuration might be needed. If SELinux is enforced on the DPOD server, please review possible required configuration changes.

Setup DNS

Setup DNS - your network admin may need to assist you with this action.

Make sure you can ping to your LDAP, Mail/SMTP Server, NTP Server.

Using yum on RedHat

For RedHat only: Your system might need to be registered and subscribed to the Red Hat Customer Portal to be able to install all prerequisites using yum.
Registration and subscription may differ between organizations and RHEL version, so use the following commands just as a demonstration:

Code Block
subscription-manager register

subscription-manager attach --auto

subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rh-common-rpms
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms

Setup NTP

Setup NTP - it has to be the same one configured in your IBM DataPower Gateways.

  • Consult your Linux and network admin about the proper way to configure this service.

  • For RHEL 7.x, ensure the NTP RPM is installed. Consider executing the following commands:

    Code Block
    yum install ntp

    ntpdate <ntp server hostname>

    systemctl enable ntpd.service
    systemctl start ntpd.service
  • For RHEL 8.x, ensure the Chrony RPM is installed. Consider executing the following commands:

    Code Block
    yum install chrony
    chronyd -q 'server {ntp_server_name} iburst'
    systemctl enable chronyd.service
    systemctl start
  •  chronyd.service

Setup hosts file


erify that the /etc/hosts file includes an entry with your server name mapped to your external server IP.
To find your server name, you may execute the command



Required RPMs

Verify the existence of the following RPMs from the official RedHat/CentOS yum repositories:

  • httpd version 2.4.6-67 and above (together with the following dependencies: mailcap, apr, httpd_tools)

  • mod_ssl

  • mod_proxy_html

  • curl

  • wget

  • unzip

  • iptables

  • iptables-services

  • bc

  • fontconfig

  • squashfs-tools (make sure squashfs module is loaded - see more at

  • numactl

  • pciutils

  • nvme-cli

The installation is usually performed by executing yum


yum install httpd mod_ssl curl wget unzip iptables iptables-services bc fontconfig

If this

. If the command fails to find the packages, you should manually download the RPM files and install them.

Ensure the httpd service is enabled and started by executing the command:

systemctl enable httpd.service && systemctl start httpd.service

Install mod_proxy_html:This RPM is not always accessible from existing repositories. Try first to install it by executing the command: yum install mod_proxy_html
If you get the error "No package mod_proxy_html available. Error: Nothing to do", you will need to download the RPM yourself, using one of the following methods:
  • Method 1 - download the RPM
    • Find your httpd version by executing the command: rpm -qa | grep httpd
    • The system will print something resembling httpd-2.4.6-67.el7_2.4.x86_64. This is the mod_proxy version you need to download.
    • For RedHat only - Download the mod_proxy with the correct version from the following url: (change the version part of the URL to match the httpd version you found above). Use wget or any other mechanism to download, and ensure to place the RPM inside the /tmp directory of the pre-installed OS server.
    • Install the RPM by executing the command:  rpm -Uvh mod_proxy_html-2.4.6-67.el7_2.4.x86_64.rpm (Note: your version may vary, as described above)
  • Method 2 - add a repository and install it from the repository using the commands (For RedHat only)
    subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
    yum install mod_proxy_html
    Code Block
    yum install -y httpd
    yum install -y mod_ssl
    yum install -y mod_proxy_html
    yum install -y curl
    yum install -y wget
    yum install -y unzip
    yum install -y iptables
    yum install -y iptables-services
    yum install -y bc
    yum install -y fontconfig
    yum install -y squashfs-tools
    yum install -y numactl
    yum install -y pciutils
    yum install -y nvme-cli

    The following RPMs are recommended for system maintenance and troubleshooting, but are optional: telnet client, net-tools, iftop, tcpdump

    Ensure the httpd service is enabled and started by executing the command:

    Code Block
    systemctl enable httpd.service && systemctl start httpd.service && systemctl status httpd.service

    Optional: Install Kibana OSS (please read Kibana access limitations):

    8 Code Blockserver.port: 5601 "montier-es-http" server.basePath: "/op/kibana" elasticsearch.hosts: "http://montier-es-http:9200" elasticsearch.shardTimeout: 300000

    Configure Kibana (edit kibana.yml):

    • Create the directory /logs/kibana/ and make sure that the kibana user has permissions to this directory. Consider executing the following commands:

      Code Block
      mkdir -p /logs/kibana
      chown <kibana user name>:<kibana group name> /logs/kibana # For example: chown root:kibana /logs/kibana
      chmod g+w /logs/kibana
    • After DPOD is installed, make sure to complete Configuring Kibana with DPOD's Store data.


    In case you are using yum, it is recommended to clean its cache to make sure there is enough space in /var (yum cache can take a lot of the space there). To clean yum cache, execute the command:

    Code Block
    yum clean
    allFirewall access to DPOD server

    To configure your firewall to allow access to DPOD server at port 443, execute the following commands:


    These commands may not be applicable if your system has no builtin firewall.

    firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp --permanent
    firewall-cmd --reload
    iptables-save | grep 443

    If, for any reason, you need to remove this access (close the port) - execute the following commands:
    firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=443/tcp --permanent
    firewall-cmd --reload
    iptables-save | grep 443

    You should open port access for the DNS Server, your DataPower Gateways, your SMTP server and others as described in Firewall Requirements.

    Please assist your network admin and Linux admin to enable access on these ports.

    Operating System optimization

    It is recommended to let DPOD optimize the Operating System parameters to ensure performance.

    Please review the script before executing it and make sure the OS parameters values match your organization's policy.


    When DPOD is later installed, it will check the OS parameters. Critical compatibility checks must be satisfied in order to install the system, while other informational compatibility checks will make sure the operating system is optimized and will notify if changes are recommended to be made. Please take time to review the results of these checks after installation, and perform all applicable optimizations. The compatibility checks report can be found in /installs/logs/appliance_checks-<date time>.log.

    Table 1 - Prepare your file system


    Table 1 - File Systems / Mount Points

    File System / Mount Point


    Space in Mib

    Device Type

    File System


    sys (sda)


    Standard Partition

    Standard Partition



    sys (sda)





    sys (sda)


    Standard Partition

    Standard Partition



    sys (sda)

    (for UEFI installations for GPT partition)

    Standard Partition

    EFI System Partition


    sys (sda)






    sys (sda)






    sys (sda)


    (recommended 16384)




    app (sdb)





    app (sdb)





    app (sdb)





    app (sdb)






    app (sdb)

    (can be on other fast disk - preferred locally)




    data (sdc)

    As described in Hardware and Software Requirements


    or according to the sizing spreadsheet in case one was provided by DPOD support team. Minimum of 100GB.



    Third-Party Software

    Third-party software such as antivirus, cybersecurity, monitoring, APM, endpoint protection, backup, etc. might significantly decrease the performance of DPOD and impact its functionality.

    In case of functionality or performance issues, try first to disable such software.

    During the resolution of issues, DPOD support will ask the customer to disable any 3rd party software in order to isolate the issues and verify their source. Support cannot be provided if the 3rd party tools are not disabled.
