IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.21.x

Appliance Firmware Upgrade REST API


Requires admin or operator access.
Unauthorized requests will receive a "401 Unauthorized" response.

Send a firmware upgrade plan to the execution queue:

POST  /op/api/v1/firmwareupgradeplan/<API-Reference>/execute

The API-Reference of the plan is set in the add/edit plan page, and can be viewed in the plan details page

Successful Response

"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultErrorCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "Firmware upgrade plan added to execution queue"

Error Response

"resultCode": "ERROR",
"resultErrorCode": "PLAN_NOT_FOUND",
"resultMessage": "Firmware upgrade plan with API Ref 199da450-7add-42fd-b644-986cfc018f32 was not found"

This API call does NOT execute the plan, it just adds it to the execution queue.
The plan may not be executed at all. (For example - when the current time is not within the plan's maintenance window timeframe, or if the plan is not enabled)

Get All Available Plans

GET /op/api/v1/firmwareupgradeplan/

The lastUpdateTime field returns the last time the plan was updated in epoch time format.

"plans": [
"name": "My Plan 1",
"description": "Just a test plan",
"URI": "/op/api/v1/firmwareupgradeplan/075D3780-4D79-4AFE-A749-817A3640C9E7",
"lastUpdateTime": 1513583334112
"name": "My Plan 2",
"description": "",
"URI": "/op/api/v1/firmwareupgradeplan/F44E875F-C7B5-4CC5-830B-0A9E39A005E5",
"lastUpdateTime": 1512052896724

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