IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.20.x

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Cloud Agent Prerequisites

Make sure your environment meets the following requirements prior to installing the DataPower Operations Dashboard Cloud Agent Operator and deploying the Custom Resources.

In this page:

Container Environment Requirements

  • Kubernetes 1.25,1.27 / OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 4.12, 4.14

  • Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) installed

  • IBM DataPower Gateway operator v1.8.0+

Resource Requirements








500m (limit: 2)

512Mi (limit: 2Gi)

Cloud Agent Messaging - messaging-broker container

500m (limit: 2)


Cloud Agent Manager - manager container



Cloud Agent Manager - api-proxy container



Cloud Agent Syslog Ingester - syslog-ingester container

500m (limit: 2)


Cloud Agent HTTP Ingester - http-ingester container

500m (limit: 2)



2.7 (limit: 8.7)

10.5Gi (limit: 12Gi)

Storage Requirements

A block storage class that provides ReadWriteOnce (RWO) access mode and 10 IOPS (Input-Output Operations per second) that is at least 50 GB, for storing the collected data in the DPOD Cloud Agent Messaging.

Network Requirements

The Cloud Agent communicates with the DataPower Operations Dashboard instance which is installed outside the Kubernetes cluster. Therefore, proper inbound (ingress) communication must be configured for the different services of the Cloud Agent.

The firewall requirements for the Cloud Agent, based on the DPOD deployment type, are detailed at Firewall Requirements.

Cloud Agent Manager

The manager exposes APIs to interact with the Cloud Agent and the DataPower Gateways. It is using the HTTPS protocol.

The following properties (in the Cloud Agent CR) control the way DPOD communicates with the manager:

  • externalHost - The external host for accessing the manager from outside the cluster. It is the user’s responsibility to configure this host as a DNS entry that is available to DPOD. You can inspect the generated host in .status.endpoints of the Cloud Agent CR (see also Endpoints).

  • externalPort - The external port for accessing the manager from outside the cluster (default for OpenShift is 443, otherwise 30120).

  • incomingTrafficMethod - The method of exposing the manager to incoming traffic from outside the cluster. Available options are:

    • Route (default for OpenShift) - the operator will create a Service and a Route resources.

    • NodePort (default for Kubernetes) - the operator will create a NodePort Service resource.

    • Custom - see “Custom Network Configuration” below.

  • incomingTrafficPort - The port for exposing the manager to incoming traffic from outside the cluster (when incomingTrafficMethod is NodePort, default is the value of externalPort).

For more information, see Manager API documentation.

Cloud Agent Messaging

The messaging serves the collected transactional data. It is using the Kafka protocol.

The following properties (in the Cloud Agent CR) control the way DPOD communicates with the messaging:

  • externalHost - The external host for accessing the messaging from outside the cluster. This value will be published by the messaging brokers (Kafka). The bootstrap endpoint will use this host, and each messaging broker will use a consecutive host name with its number at the end of the first part of the FQDN. It is the user’s responsibility to configure these hosts as DNS entries that are available to DPOD. You can inspect the list of the generated hosts in .status.endpionts of the Cloud Agent CR (see also Endpoints).

  • externalPortStart - The starting external port for accessing the messaging from outside the cluster. The bootstrap endpoint will use this port, and each messaging broker will use a consecutive port (default is 30100).

  • incomingTrafficMethod - The method of exposing the messaging to incoming traffic from outside the cluster. Available options are:

    • NodePort (default) - the operator will create NodePort Service resources (one for the bootstrap <CR name>-msg-bse-svc and one for each messaging broker <CR name>-msg-dir-svc-<broker number>).

    • Custom - see “Custom Network Configuration” below.

  • incomingTrafficPortStart - The starting port for exposing the messaging to incoming traffic from outside the cluster (when incomingTrafficMethod is NodePort). The bootstrap endpoint will use this port, and each messaging broker will use a consecutive port (default is the value of externalPortStart).

For more information, see Messaging API documentation.

Custom Network Configuration

The Cloud Agent operator includes several standard types of network configuration, such as NodePort and Route (for OpenShift).

However, it is also possible to use a custom network configuration. If you choose to use a custom network configuration, the Cloud Agent operator will not create any resources for exposing the services externally to the cluster, and it is the user’s responsibility to create, update and delete these resources (e.g.: Ingress controller, LoadBalancer services, etc.).

Cluster-scope Permissions

The DataPower Operations Dashboard Cloud Agent Operator requires the following cluster-scope permissions. These are brought in by ClusterRoles and bound to the operator's and the manager’s ServiceAccounts via ClusterRoleBindings.

API Groups




API Groups





create, get, update, delete

Permissions needed to customize OCP web console YAML samples


get, list

Permissions needed to list storage


get, list

Permissions needed to list CustomResourceDefinitions

dpodcloudagents, dpodcloudagents/status

create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch

Permissions needed for management of owned CustomResourceDefinitions

clusterroles, roles, rolebindings

create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch

Permissions needed for management of roles

'' (none)

pods, services

get, list, watch

Permissions needed to list pods and services

datapowerservices, datapowerservicebindings

get, list, watch

Permissions needed to list DataPower service

'' (none)


get, list, watch

Permissions needed to list namespaces

'' (none)

pods, services, persistentvolumeclaims, configmaps, secrets, serviceaccounts

create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch

Permissions needed for management of cloud agent components


deployments, statefulsets

create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch

Permissions needed for management of cloud agent workloads

routes, routes/custom-host

create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch

Permissions needed for management of routes



Permissions needed for creating of events


create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch

Permissions needed for management of leases

'' (none)

services, pods

get, list, watch

Permissions needed to list services and pods

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