IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.19.0
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Scheduling a Report
The following steps will let you automatically schedule a report.
- On the Web Console - navigate to the reports page
- Click on the name of the report you want to schedule
- Click the "Edit" button at the top-right
- The "Schedule" input box will contain the scheduling definition using a simplified version of the Cron scheduling format:
You can input the Cron scheduling expression manually or use the wizard. - To Use the Wizard, click on the three dots button
The first window will ask for the time of day - e.g. run every 5 minutes or 10 hours at minute 30, or a specific time of day - e.g. 14:00.
The second window will ask for the day of week or month - e.g. run every day, every Sunday, or each 5th day of the month. - If you need a more sophisticated expression, enter the schedule expression manually in the input field, instead of using the wizard:
- The format is "Second Minute Hour Day Month Weekday Year"
- Separate values with one blank space
- Valid values are:
- Second: 0-59
- Minute: 0-59
- Hour: 0-23
- Day: 1-31
- Month: 1-12
- Weekday: 0-6 (where 0 is Sunday, and 6 is Saturday)
- Year: 1000-9999
Multiple values may be specified using the following formats:
* : every value (e.g. every second, every minute etc.)
*/i : interval of i units (e.g. every 5 minutes, every 4 hours)
- s/i : interval of i units starting value s (e.g. every 2 hours starting 14 hours)
x,y,z : list of values (e.g. on hours 11,13,15)
0 30 7 1 * * * = run at 07:30:00, 1st day of every month
0 30 7,8,9 * * 1 * = run at 07:30:00, 08:30:00 and 09:30:00, every Monday
- 0 */5 * * * * * = run every 5 minutes
0 0 0 * 5 * * = run at midnight, every day in May
0 0 * 1 1 * 2017 = run every hour, on January 1st, 2017
- 0 55/1 * * * * * = run on minutes 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 of every hour
When you have entered a schedule value, move to another input field (e.g. press tab), and a message with human readable description of the scheduling will be displayed underneath the input box
Click "Update" to save your changes
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