IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.22.x
Meytal Ben-Tzvi (Deactivated)
Sara Weisz
In this page:
GET Retrieve all Alerts
This API retrieves all alerts.
Required Roles:
One of the following:
A custom role that allows access to “View Alerts”.
The OpDashAdminRole builtin role.
The OpDashPowerUserRole builtin role.
The request should use the GET method with the following URL parameters:
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
productView | Required | The product view. | String |
Successful Response:
The response includes the following fields in its result
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
alerts |
| Array of Element |
alerts[].id | The ID of the alert. | Long |
alerts[].isSystemHealthMetric | Whether or not the alert is a metric. | Boolean |
alerts[].isActive | Whether or not the alert will be scheduled for execution. | Boolean |
alerts[].name | The alert name. | String |
alerts[].description | Text description of the alert’s definition. | String |
alerts[].productView | The product view assigned to the alert. | String |
alerts[].indexSets | Which OpenSearch index sets will be queried (according to product view). | String (Comma separated) | See Index Sets. |
alerts[].documentType | Which OpenSearch document types will be queried (according to product view) | String | See Document type. |
alerts[].jsonQuery | An OpenSearch query. | String (JSON) |
alerts[].jsonParameters | Key-Value Pairs to Replace Values within the Query (JSON). | String (JSON) |
alerts[].schedule | The scheduling definition using a simplified version of the Cron scheduling format. | String | format: sec min hour day month weekday year |
alerts[].recipients | A list of email addresses the alert will be emailed to. | Array of Strings |
alerts[].filtersParameters | Alert filters (according to product type and document type).
| Element | See Alert Filters. |
alerts[].serviceNameFieldOverride | Apply the service filter value to a specific Store field. You may leave this field empty unless otherwise advised. | String |
alerts[].lastUpdateTimeInMillis | Time the alert was created. | Long |
alerts[].lastUpdateUserName | The user who created the alert. | String |
alerts[].isPublishToMail | Whether or not an email will be sent. | Boolean |
alerts[].isPublishToSyslogLegacyFormat | Whether or not a syslog message (Legacy Format) will be sent. | Boolean |
alerts[].isPublishToSyslogJsonFormat | Whether or not a syslog message (JSON Format) will be sent. | Boolean |
alerts[].isPublishToHttpServer | Whether or not an HTTP request will be sent. | Boolean |
alerts[].isPublishToMailWs | Whether or not an email will be sent via webservice. | Boolean |
alerts[].errorThreshold | If the alert value exceeds the error threshold value, the alert is assigned with a severity of error. | Double | Thresholds can be set only for health metrics that support thresholds (such as Frequency or Flat-Line) |
alerts[].warningThreshold | If the alert value exceeds the warning threshold value, the alert is assigned with a severity of warning. | Double | Thresholds can be set only for health metrics that support thresholds (such as Frequency or Flat-Line) |
alerts[].warningDamagePoints | The amount of damage points that are assigned for this alert if the alert has a severity of warning. | Double | Thresholds can be set only for health metrics that support thresholds (such as Frequency or Flat-Line) |
alerts[].alertType | Type of the alert query. | String |
alerts[].comparator | The comparator used to compare between the OpenSearch query result and the error threshold. | String |
alerts[].apiReference | Unique alert UUID. | String |
alerts[].valueFieldName | The field name which field value is compared to the list of values. | String | Only applicable for alert type "List" and “Frequency“ |
alerts[].listOfValues | For alert type “Frequency“, is is a delimited final result list which will force the result to include only specific values. Missing values will be added with 0 fetched documents (thus allowing the user to identify missing values such as unused services). | String | Only applicable for alert type "List" and “Frequency“ |
alerts[].listDelimiter | The delimiter used to delimit the list of values. | String | Only applicable for alert type "List" and “Frequency“ |
alerts[].investigateUri | The investigate link displays the data that triggered each alert in DPOD Web Console. | String |
alerts[].aggregationNamesToIgnore | Aggregation names to ignore in results. | String (Comma separated) |
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "Alerts retrieved successfully",
"result": {
"alerts": [
"id": 26,
"isSystemHealthMetric": false,
"isActive": false,
"name": "API Error Message Count Alert",
"description": "Alert when more than 10 API trans. ended with a specific error message",
"productView": "APIC",
"indexSets": "apic-log",
"documentType": "APIC_LOGICAL_TRANS",
"jsonQuery": "{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":{\"match_all\":{}},\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"term\":{\"documentType\":{\"value\":27}}},{\"match_phrase\":{\"errorMessage\":\"$messageTextSubstring\"}},{\"terms\":{\"recordType\":[\"R4\"]}},{\"bool\":{\"should\":[{\"term\":{\"recordCounter\":{\"value\":\"1\"}}},{\"bool\":{\"must_not\":[{\"exists\":{\"field\":\"recordCounter\"}}]}}],\"minimum_should_match\":\"1\"}}]}}}},\"aggs\":{\"API\":{\"terms\":{\"field\":\"apiName\",\"size\":1000,\"shard_size\":10000,\"order\":{\"_count\":\"desc\"}}}},\"size\":0}",
"jsonParameters": "{\"messageTextSubstring\":\"Failed to establish a backside connection\"}",
"schedule": "",
"recipients": [],
"filtersParameters": {
"timeRangeType": "recent",
"timeRangePeriod": "600000"
"lastUpdateTimeInMillis": 1730210355947,
"lastUpdateUserName": "Installer",
"isPublishToMail": false,
"isPublishToSyslogLegacyFormat": false,
"isPublishToSyslogJsonFormat": false,
"isPublishToHttpServer": false,
"isPublishToMailWs": false,
"errorThreshold": 10.0,
"alertType": "Frequency",
"comparator": "GreaterThan",
"apiReference": "EDBD6F2B-A576-4619-AC63-2594A10F7EC6",
"investigateUri": "apicTransactions:-apicApiNameOp:eq-apicApiName:${result:API}-errorMessageOp:eq-errorMessage:${parameter:messageTextSubstring}"
{ .....}
GET Get an Alert
This API retrieves a specific alert.
Required Roles:
One of the following:
A custom role that allows access to “View Alerts”.
The OpDashAdminRole builtin role.
The OpDashPowerUserRole builtin role.
The request should use the GET method with the following URL parameters:
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
productView | Required | The product view. | String |
alertApiReferenceId | Required | The alert UUID. | String |
Successful Response:
The response includes the following fields in its result
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
id | The ID of the alert. | Long |
isSystemHealthMetric | Whether or not the alert is a metric. | Boolean |
isActive | Whether or not the alert will be scheduled for execution. | Boolean |
name | The alert name. | String |
description | Text description of the alert’s definition. | String |
productView | The product view assigned to the alert. | String |
indexSets | Which OpenSearch index sets will be queried (according to product view). | String (Comma separated) | See Index Sets. |
documentType | Which OpenSearch document types will be queried (according to product view) | String | See Document type. |
jsonQuery | An OpenSearch query. | String (JSON) |
jsonParameters | Key-Value Pairs to Replace Values within the Query (JSON). | String (JSON) |
schedule | The scheduling definition using a simplified version of the Cron scheduling format. | String | format: sec min hour day month weekday year |
recipients | A list of email addresses the alert will be emailed to. | Array of Strings |
filtersParameters | Alert filters (according to product type and document type).
| Element | See Alert Filters. |
serviceNameFieldOverride | Apply the service filter value to a specific Store field. You may leave this field empty unless otherwise advised. | String |
lastUpdateTimeInMillis | Time the alert was created. | Long |
lastUpdateUserName | The user who created the alert. | String |
isPublishToMail | Whether or not an email will be sent. | Boolean |
isPublishToSyslogLegacyFormat | Whether or not a syslog message (Legacy Format) will be sent. | Boolean |
isPublishToSyslogJsonFormat | Whether or not a syslog message (JSON Format) will be sent. | Boolean |
isPublishToHttpServer | Whether or not an HTTP request will be sent. | Boolean |
isPublishToMailWs | Whether or not an email will be sent via webservice. | Boolean |
errorThreshold | If the alert value exceeds the error threshold value, the alert is assigned with a severity of error. | Double | Thresholds can be set only for health metrics that support thresholds (such as Frequency or Flat-Line) |
warningThreshold | If the alert value exceeds the warning threshold value, the alert is assigned with a severity of warning. | Double | Thresholds can be set only for health metrics that support thresholds (such as Frequency or Flat-Line) |
warningDamagePoints | The amount of damage points that are assigned for this alert if the alert has a severity of warning. | Double | Thresholds can be set only for health metrics that support thresholds (such as Frequency or Flat-Line) |
alertType | Type of the alert query. | String |
comparator | The comparator used to compare between the OpenSearch query result and the error threshold. | String |
apiReference | Unique alert UUID. | String |
valueFieldName | The field name which field value is compared to the list of values. | String | Only applicable for alert type "List" and “Frequency“ |
listOfValues | For alert type “Frequency“, is is a delimited final result list which will force the result to include only specific values. Missing values will be added with 0 fetched documents (thus allowing the user to identify missing values such as unused services). | String | Only applicable for alert type "List" and “Frequency“ |
listDelimiter | The delimiter used to delimit the list of values. | String | Only applicable for alert type "List" and “Frequency“ |
investigateUri | The investigate link displays the data that triggered each alert in DPOD Web Console. | String |
aggregationNamesToIgnore | Aggregation names to ignore in results. | String (Comma separated) |
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "Alert retrieved successfully",
"result": {
"id": 29,
"isSystemHealthMetric": false,
"isActive": false,
"name": "This_is_automation",
"description": "This_is_automation",
"productView": "APIC",
"indexSets": "wdp-device-resources",
"documentType": "WDP_DEVICE_RESOURCES",
"jsonQuery": "{\"query\": {\"bool\": {\"must\": {\"match_all\": {}},\"filter\": {}}},\"aggs\": {\"Device\": {\"terms\": {\"field\":\"deviceName\",\"size\": 1000,\"shard_size\": 10000,\"order\": {\"MaxCpu\":\"desc\"}},\"aggs\": {\"MaxCpu\": {\"max\": {\"field\":\"usedCPUInPercentage\"}}}}},\"size\": 0}",
"jsonParameters": "",
"schedule": "",
"recipients": [],
"filtersParameters": {
"timeRangeType": "recent",
"timeRangePeriod": "86400000"
"lastUpdateTimeInMillis": 1730296361886,
"lastUpdateUserName": "admin",
"isPublishToMail": false,
"isPublishToSyslogLegacyFormat": false,
"isPublishToSyslogJsonFormat": false,
"isPublishToHttpServer": true,
"isPublishToMailWs": false,
"errorThreshold": 15.0,
"alertType": "Flatline",
"comparator": "GreaterThanOrEquals",
"apiReference": "ADCBDB5A-3C07-45E5-A804-A82932CD4B36",
"investigateUri": ""
POST Execute (Async) an Alert
This API executes a specific alert.
Required Roles:
One of the following:
A custom role that allows access to “View Alerts”.
The OpDashAdminRole builtin role.
The OpDashPowerUserRole builtin role.
The request should use the POST method with the following URL parameters:
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
productView | Required | The product view. | String |
alertApiReferenceId | Required | The alert UUID. | String |
The request should use the POST method with the following fields in its body:
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
recipients | Required | A list of email addresses the alert will be emailed to. | Array of Strings |
filtersParameters | Required | Alert filters (according to product type and document type).
| Element | See Alert Filters. |
"recipients": [
"filtersParameters": {
"timeRangeType": "recent",
"timeRangePeriod": "86400000",
"deviceName": "idg_10_5_0_a"
Successful Response:
The response includes the following fields in its result
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
executionId | The alert execution ID. | Long |
GET Get an Alert Execution
This API retrieves execution details for a specific alert execution.
Required Roles:
One of the following:
A custom role that allows access to “View Alerts”.
The OpDashAdminRole builtin role.
The OpDashPowerUserRole builtin role.
The request should use the GET method with the following URL parameters:
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
productView | Required | The product view. | String |
executionId | Required | The alert execution ID. | String |
Successful Response:
The response includes the following fields in its result
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
executionId | The alert execution ID. | Long |
filters | Alert filters (according to product type and document type).
| String | See Alert Filters. |
executingUserName | The user who executed this alert execution. | String |
status | Alert execution status. | String |
requestTimeInMillis | Request time in milliseconds. | Long |
pendingTimeInMillis | Pending time in milliseconds. | Long |
executionTimeInMillis | Execution time in milliseconds. | Long |
completionTimeInMillis | Completion time in milliseconds. | Long |
message | The message that indicates whether there are any alerts. | String |
GET Download an Alert Execution Result
This API downloads an alert execution result by its execution ID.
Required Roles:
One of the following:
A custom role that allows access to “View Alerts”.
The OpDashAdminRole builtin role.
The OpDashPowerUserRole builtin role.
The request should use the GET method with the following URL parameters:
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
productView | Required | The product view. | String |
executionId | Required | The alert execution ID. | String |
Successful Response:
The response content type is application/octet-stream
and includes the alert execution result file content as its body.
To open the alert execution result file, save the response content as a file with an extension of .json
and open the file.
The Content-Disposition
response header value includes a suggested file name (e.g.: attachment; filename=alert-<alert name + "-" + execution ID>.json
POST Duplicate an Alert
POST Add an Alert
PUT Edit an Alert
DELETE Delete an Alert
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