IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.22.x
Probe Settings REST API
- Sara Weisz
In this page:
POST Configure Probe Settings
This API configures Probe Settings on a gateway for all domains or a specific domain that has a matching gateway peering configured.
Required Roles:
The request should use the POST method with the following fields in its body:
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
deviceId | Required | The device ID (can be retrieved from “Get Gateway By Name” API response) on which to configure the probe settings. | Long |
domainName | Optional | Domain name on which to configure the probe settings. | String |
maxRecords | Required | The maximum number of records to allow. | Long |
expirationInMinutes | Required | The duration to retain the troubleshooting data. | Long |
gatewayPeering | Required | The unique Gateway Peering name configured. | String |
"deviceId": 15,
"maxRecords": 1000,
"expirationInMinutes": 10,
"gatewayPeering": "PROBE.BANKA"
Successful Response:
The response includes the following fields in its body:
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
deviceId | The device ID on which the probe settings is configured. | Long |
domainName | Domain name on which the probe settings is configured. | String |
maxRecords | The domain-specific probe settings configuration that defines the maximum number of records to allow. | Long |
expirationInMinutes | The domain-specific probe settings configuration that defines the duration to retain the troubleshooting data. | Long |
gatewayPeering | The domain-specific probe settings configuration that defines the Gateway Peering name. | String |
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "Probe Settings successfully configured.",
"result": {
"deviceId": 15,
"maxRecords": 1000,
"expirationInMinutes": 10,
"gatewayPeering": "PROBE.BANKA"
POST Get Metadata
This API retrieves the gateway peerings configured for a particular device / domain and the default value for maxRecords and expirationInMinutes from the system parameters.
Required Roles:
The request should use the POST method with the following fields in its body:
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Required/Optional | Description | Type | Available Options |
deviceId | Required | The device ID (can be retrieved from “Get Gateway By Name” API response) on which to configure the probe settings. | Long |
domainName | Optional | Domain name on which to configure the probe settings. | String |
"deviceId": 15,
"domainName": "BankA_Domain"
Successful Response:
The response includes the following fields in its body:
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
Name | Description | Type | Available Options |
maxRecords | The domain-specific probe settings configuration that defines the maximum number of records to allow. | Long |
expirationInMinutes | The domain-specific probe settings configuration that defines the duration to retain the troubleshooting data. | Long |
gatewayPeerings | The unique configured Gateway Peerings. | Array of Strings |
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