IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.21.x


The reports view lists all the reports available in the system that are associated to the current product view. DPOD provides some reports out of the box, but you or your administrator may create additional reports to address specific needs.

Reports are generated as MS-Excel spreadsheets, and DPOD is able to email them, save them to the file system, or call a web service to handle the file.

The available reports are displayed in a table with each row describing a single report:

Column ContentDescription
NameThe name of the report.
Click on the name to display the report details and recent execution history
DescriptionText description of the report’s definition
ScheduleDetails of the auto-execution schedule if it exists, or N/A if it doesn’t 
RecipientsA list of email addresses the report will be emailed to.
Execute ButtonClick to execute the report

Executing a report

To execute a report, click on the Execute button next to its name. This will load the report in the Execute Report screen.

The Execute Report screen allows you to set report-recipients. You may set these by using the Recipients controls:

The upper box lets you enter an email address of a recipient. Click the  icon to add this recipient to the list inside the lower box.
Click the icon next to an email address in the lower box to remove them from the list of recipients. 

This screen also displays report filters. You may use the filters to control the data generated by the report. The filters available for each report are described in the report's section in this guide.

DPOD will schedule the report to run immediately. When the report is ready, the MS-Excel spreadsheet will be emailed to all the recipients you selected.

Single Report View

Clicking on a report name in the table displays the single-report view. This view comprises 2 widgets:

Report Details 

Provides the name and description of the report, alongside a list of all configured recipient email addresses. You may click the Execute button found inside this widget to execute the report.

Recent Executions

List the 20 most recent executions of the displayed report. The data is displayed in a table.

Each row in the table provides details of a single report execution.

Column ContentDescription
RecipientsA list of email addresses that were sent the report that resulted of this execution
Executing UserThe user executing the report
StatusReport Execution status
Status TimeThe time this status was set by the system
MessageMessage for failed execution

Spreadsheet Details

When you select to email reports, each recipient receives a copy of a MS-Excel spreadsheet with the content of the report.
The first three row of every report contain the following information:

Report NameThe report's name
Execution TimeA timestamp for the report's execution
Executing UserThe user that requested the report
Time RangeThe value of the time filter used

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