The local WSDL promotion replace replaces the current service WSDL and XSDs XSD with new files supplied by the user.
Warning |
In some cases, depending on the WSDL contents, the old WSEndpointRewritePolicy that is attached to the WS-Proxy can not be used with the new WSDL. |
Initiating a New Validate or Promote Local WSDL Request
- Choose one WSDL file
- Choose zero or more XSD files (note that you can select multiple files at once from the XSD file browser).)
- Click "Upload" - this will upload your new files to DPOD (not to the DataPower!)
- If the upload was successful, click on "Execute" to request a new WSDL validation/promotion
After clicking "Execute" the next following message will appearappears
DPOD's internal process will monitor and collect start executing pending requests every one minute.
Validation Flow
- DPOD will use a temporary domain on a monitored device that was chosen and created by the admin.
- First DPOD will execute a custom user script that will analyze the current service's WSDL and will return all the schema files used by the seviceservice
- DPOD will download all the WSDL/XSD files of the current service
- DPOD will execute a second custom user script that will to analyze the new WSDL/XSD files and will replace all the references in the files so they will point to the correct DataPower paths
- DPOD will upload the new altered WSDL/XSD files to the temporary domain and will create a new service that uses this WSDL
- The new temporary service will be created without any front side handlers, so it will not be accessible.
- After creating the temporary service, DPOD will check checks the its DataPower's WSDL compilation status.
Info |
Messages from the validation steps may return DataPower errors or messages about service with a random name such as DD0396FC-D428-40E8-B64C-913824FD16D4 - this is the name of the temporary service used by DPOD. The same applies to message messages about the WSDL/XSD validation, they will be uploaded to the temporary domain local storage in local:///temp-service-name/ (e.g. local:///DD0396FC-D428-40E8-B64C-913824FD16D4/) |
Promotion Flow
- DPOD automatically first runs the validation flow and will continue to step 2 only if the validation was successful
- Upload DPOD uploads the altered files from the validation steps to the DataPower, create and creates any directories if needed.
Existing files with the same identical names may be overriden. - Export DPOD exports the original service
- Change DPOD changes the WSDL address in the export
- Import DPOD imports the origin service againoriginal service with the modified WSDL address.
- Check DPOD checks the WSDL status and the service operational state
- If the service is not up or the WSDL status is not okay ok - try DPOD tries to rollback the operation by uploading the original WSDL/XSD files to local store and importing the service again with the original unchanged WSDL address