There are several reasons why customer is unable to see payloadspayloads may not show in DPOD:
- Payloads capturing capture is not supported
- Payloads are not being sent
- Payloads capture has errors, or filtered out in DPOD
- Payloads are fully collected in DPOD, but are still not appears
- displayed
Perform the following checks to find the cause in your case:
capture is not supported
Payload capturing capture is only supported for:
1) WS Proxy objects in any firware 6.1.X and above
2) MPGW objects from IFG firware IDG firmware 7.5.2 and DPOD 1.0.2 but only (text payloads .If you are expecting to see payload and your are trying to see it in a non suported only)
To see payloads on a non-supported object type and/or versions please upgrade or submit an RFE.
Payloads are not being sent
To Perform the following to verify that payload capture is enable please do enabled:
- Verify yo enabled WS-M capturing is enabled: by perform the following steps Sfollowing the directions under WS-M setup for device , and WS-M Subscriptions for All Domains (Optional) as they appear in in Adding Monitored Devices
- Verify in on your IDG that the subscriptions are created . : In the expected domain - navigate to Status → Web Service → WSM Agent Status (see blue hilight in bluethe screenshot below). You should have see 1 Active subscriber of polled type (in see red highlight). if
If payloads were captured than you then they will be able to see it reported as Records seen. more statiscs
Additional statistic data can be seen on WSM:- If records seen Records Seen value is 0 than you might , this may mean you do not have running transactiontransactions
- If Active subsriberes is Subscribers value is 1 and number of polled subscribers the value of Polled Subscribers is 0 also than - ensure you have not perform the or follow followed the next step step:
- Check that the WS-M Agent in IDG is configured correctly:
- We expect
- DPOD expects the WS-M Agent to be enabled and Capture mode
- Mode to be set to all
- All
- If your WS-M agent is enabled in IDG is enabled , subscription is created from you can create a subscription on DPOD by performing step WS-M Subscriptions for All Domains (Optional) and recors seen counter is increasing on Adding Monitored Devices. If the Records Seen counter increases by any running transaction than you should expect - then the payload to should arrive to at the DPOD WS-M Agent
Payloads are sent but filtered out
Payload are send to If you know that payloads are sent to the DPOD WS-M agent . in this phase we make sure they are arrived and proessed .
but still can not see them, follow the steps below to ensure they arrive and are being processed.
- Verify the DPOD WS-M agent is up and running - Check System Services Status with the CLI. It should be up and running.
- Make sure Verify that the DPOD WS-M agent status is green . this on Check System Status Using the Web Console. This means that the keep alive message are processed. perform tasks appears at Check System Status Using the Web Console
Go to Inspect the WS-M logs and see if there for any exceptions. logs shouls Logs may be accessed using Telnet . path is , at the following path: /logs/wsmAgents/<Agent-name>/agent-flume_<Agent-name>.log.
This is how good Normal WS-M log records should appearsshow:
11/10/XXXX 08:26:03,477- INFO o.m.a.f.h.NHttpFileServer [I/O-dispatch-2] wsmHttpSource1 Incoming entity content (bytes): 2908.
←← an actual
arrivepayload arrived
11/10/XXXX 08:26:10,166- INFO o.m.a.f.h.NHttpFileServer [I/O-dispatch-3] wsmHttpSource1 Incoming entity content (bytes): 2220. ← size 2220 means usually keep alive message
- If you see any exception contact support. you can look for one by search for ERROR (with a space before and after).
To find exceptions in your logs, enter the search term ' ERROR ' (leading and trailing space). Contact support with any exception found.
- In some cases DPOD will filtered may filter messages out messages because of there sizestheir size. please Please see the following technote technote: WS-M Payloads are not displayedlarge payloads are not displayed
Payloads are fully collected in DPOD, but are still not displayed
This is usually caused because of bad synchronization of time and timezones between IDG and DPOD.
- You should see your transaction in DPOD (without payload) under Investigate → Transaction.
- You will be able too see your payload if you go to DPOD Web console → Manage → Internal Health → Store and click the ES-Head button at top right corner.
- Once inside ES-Head click on the "Browser" tab and scroll down to find wdpWsm under the Types header on the left hand side. Click wdpWsm.
- Find transaction-id under Fields and a list of fields and enter the transaction id you are interested in.
- Scroll back up to the top. Your payload now appears. click on it to view a JSON payload.
- In the JSON locate the start-time field.
"start-time": "1476237603"
this is an epoch time. Use an online epoch converter to find the time of payload. Compare this to the transaction time as displayed under Investigate:
- These should be the same (or within 5 minutes). If they are not - you need to adjust time and timezones in both IDG and DPOD.
As best practice, you should configure both IDG and DPOD to the same NTP source.