The Web Console audit records are written to the product's s UI component log files.
The audit records include the following information:
Value | Description |
Time stamp | The time stamp that an action was done. |
Example For example: 05/02/2017 18:18:30,839 |
Action execution time (ms) | The action execution time in |
mili secondsmilliseconds. |
User IP Address | The IP address of the user that |
perform For for customers over NAT the actual IP may be the NAT service) |
User ID | The DPOD logged in user ID that performed the action |
Action | The action description. |
Example For example: addUser(userName=User1) |
Enabling Audit Log
To enable audit logging, edit the UI service log4j configuration file: /app/ui/MonTier-UI/lib/log4j2.xmlChange the "AUDIT" appender as describe below .
1. Add a new appender under <Appenders> element with the following content:
Code Block |
<RollingFile name="AUDIT" fileName="${tomee-log-path}/audit.log" filePattern="${tomee-log-path}/audit.%i.log" append="true" bufferedIO="false" bufferSize="0">
<Pattern>%d{dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS}- %p %c{1.} [%t] %m %ex%n</Pattern>
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="5 MB" />
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="10"/>
</RollingFile> |
Change the "org.montier.ui.web.filters.AuditFilter" logger to level="debug" as describe below 2. Add a new logger under <Loggers> element with the following content:
Code Block |
<Logger name="org.montier.ui.web.filters.AuditFilter" level="debug" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="AUDIT"/>
</Logger> |
The output log file will be created in the UI service log directory : (/logs/ui) with the name audit.logAudit records example :
Note |
In order to export the audit records to an external system, use file transfer mechanism (scp) to copy the logs off the product's server. |
Audit Records Example
Code Block |
05/06/2018 18:18:30,839- DEBUG o.m.u.w.f.AuditFilter [ajp-bio-8070-exec-1] 51 admin getSystemParameters()
05/06/2018 18:18:34,183- DEBUG o.m.u.w.f.AuditFilter [ajp-bio-8070-exec-1] 8 admin getUsers()
05/06/2018 18:18:46,277- DEBUG o.m.u.w.f.AuditFilter [ajp-bio-8070-exec-1] 40 admin addUser(userName=User1)
05/06/2018 18:18:46,304- DEBUG o.m.u.w.f.AuditFilter [ajp-bio-8070-exec-1] 8 admin getUsers() |
Note |
In order to export the audit records use file transfer mechanism ( scp) to copy the logs off the product's server. |