Available Images
The DPOD Cloud Agent images are available on the following container registries:
Image Name | Image Tag |
dpod-cloud-agent-operator-catalog | <OPERATOR-VERSION>-amd64 |
dpod-cloud-agent-operator-bundle | <OPERATOR-VERSION>-amd64 |
dpod-cloud-agent-operator | <OPERATOR-VERSION>-amd64 |
dpod-cloud-agent-api-proxy | <DPOD-VERSION>-amd64 |
dpod-cloud-agent-http-ingester | <DPOD-VERSION>-amd64 |
dpod-cloud-agent-manager | <DPOD-VERSION>-amd64 |
dpod-cloud-agent-messaging-broker | <DPOD-VERSION>-amd64 |
dpod-cloud-agent-syslog-ingester | <DPOD-VERSION>-amd64 |
Getting Access to Images on the Public IBM Entitled Registry
The DPOD Cloud Agent images that are hosted on the IBM Entitled Registry (cp.icr.io/cp/dpod
) require authenticated access. Use your entitlement key to create a pull secret, and use the pull secret in the DPOD Cloud Agent CR to allow the Cloud Agent Operator to pull these images. For more details, see Getting Access to Images on the Public IBM Entitled Registry.
Configuring Mirroring (Optional)
For an example of mirroring configuration in RedHat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP), see Cloud Agent Mirroring - OCP (Optional).
For an example of mirroring configuration in other Kuberenetes flavors (e.g.: AWS EKS, Azure AKS), see Cloud Agent Mirroring - K8S (Optional).