Warning |
This is a tech preview feature |
When APM Integration is enabled, a Syslog record will be sent to an external APM (or any other Syslog server) for each gateway transaction.
Transaction Record Structure
The following table describes the fields that are logged with this feature.
Field Name | Description | Possible Values |
deviceName | DataPower gateway name | String |
domainName | DataPower domain name where the transaction was executed | String |
latencyElapsed | The elapsed time of the transaction in milliseconds | long |
microSecTimestamp | Timestamp format of the time the transaction started | String |
microSecTimestampStart | For internal use | String |
microSecTimestampFinish | For internal use | String |
serviceType | Service type as defined in the gateway | String - mpgw,wsp,xml-firewall,b2bgw |
serviceUri | Request URI | String |
serviceUrl | Request URL | String |
srcNodeName | The name of the DPOD node that captured the transaction | String |
isError | Indication whether the transaction completed with errors | Boolean true/false |
isTechnicalError | Indication whether the transaction completed with errors | Boolean true/false |
clientIp | The client IP of the machine (or load balancer) where the transaction started. | String |
serviceName | The service the transaction ran on. | String |
transactionId | DataPower transaction ID (TID) | String |
transactionGlobalId | DataPower global transaction ID (GTID) | 26 chars long |
timeZone | The time zone used to log transaction start | String format +ZZ:ZZ |
docAddedTimeInMil | For internal use | long |
timeInMil | Transaction start time since Epoch in milliseconds | long number |
timeHHMMSS | Full time of transaction start | String format HHMMSS where: HH: 00-23 |
requestSize | The request size | long |
aggRecordVersion | Estimated FW version of the gateway that executed the transaction. (For internal use) | String |
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
{ "_index": "[logical-tran-compact_i3][0]", "_type": "wdpLogicalTransChild", "_id": "ea5ae3c55b45be5500056a13_348659", "_timestamp": "2018-07-11T08:22:45.457Z", "_version": 5, "_operation": "INDEX", "_source": { "deviceName": "1cb3a54303a9", "domainName": "Infra_Domain", "latencyElapsed": 2, "microSecTimestamp": "2018-07-11T11:22:45.313729+03:00", "microSecTimestampStart": "2018-07-11T11:22:45.313729+03:00", "microSecTimestampFinish": "2018-07-11T11:22:45.315558+03:00", "serviceType": "xmlfirewall", "serviceUri": "/UpdateWantedMenProfiles_WHSW/Service.asmx", "serviceUrl": "http://Infra.HA:2555/UpdateWantedMenProfiles_WHSW/Service.asmx", "srcNodeName": "NODE0", "isError": false, "isTechnicalError": false, "clientIp": "", "serviceName": "WSS_Loopback.XMLFW", "transactionId": "348659", "transactionGlobalId": "ea5ae3c55b45be5500056a13", "timeZone": "+03:00", "docAddedTimeInMil": 1531297365329, "timeHHMMSS": "11:22:45", "timeInMil": 1531297365313, "aggRecordVersion": "" } } |
Feature enablement
For each syslog agent in the system perform the following:
- Edit the file /app/flume/syslog_agents/conf/MonTier-SyslogAgent-nn/flume_syslog.conf
- Change the following property to true instead of false:
MonTier-SyslogAgent-nn.sinks.syslogElasticSinknnn.serializer.enableLogicalTx = true
Stop and start Syslog agentsTo enable/disable this feature, please execute the following script: app_logical_tran.sh