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Parameters that can be changed from This page lists system parameters that are of interest in the appliance maintenance context. The parameters can be configured using the system parameters page.

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Enable BackupsGlobal flag to enable or disable all backups
, no backups can be run if
. No backups will run when this flag is set to falsetrue
Enable SyncsGlobal flag to enable or disable all configuration syncs
, no syncs can be run if
. No syncs will run when this flag is set to falsetrue
Enable Firmware UpgradesGlobal flag to enable or disable all firmware upgrades. No upgrades will run when this flag is set to falsetrue
Maintenance User Scripts Source Path
Where to find
Location of the user Plan/Task Pre/Post scripts in the file system/app/custom/scripts
Maintenance User Scripts Working PathThe
running path for the user scripts - it should be equal to the source path unless you have a specific reason
user scripts' execution path. This is normally the same as the source path above/app/custom/scripts
Maintenance Window Start Time (HH:MM)Global value for the maintenance window start time
, you can override this value in the plan
. This value may be overridden in a specific plan's settings22:00
Maintenance Window End Time (HH:MM)Global value for the maintenance window end time
, you can override this value in the plan
. This value may be overridden in a specific plan's settings06:00
Maintenance Syslog Notifications Destination HostnameThe hostname or IP
syslogs will be
address where syslog records are sent toNo Default
Maintenance Syslog Notifications Destination Port
Port where the syslogs will be
The port where syslog records are sent to60000
Maintenance Error Syslog Severity Field ValueThe severity of error operations
syslog records (such as "Plan Failed")error
Maintenance Success Syslog Severity Field ValueThe severity of success
syslog records (Such as "Plan Finished Successfully")info
Maintenance - Timeout in Seconds for Quiesce OperationsThe timeout (in seconds) sent to the Quiesce
operation when a quiesce operation was requested in the activity.
DPOD will add 3 minutes to this timeout and
check if all domains quiesced within this
Maintenance - Timeout in Seconds for Unquiesce OperationsThe timeout (in seconds) for DPOD to wait until all domains unquiesce before marking the task as failed

DPOD will add 3 minutes to this timeout

Maintenance - Timeout in Seconds for Restart OperationsThe timeout (in seconds) for DPOD to wait for a device to restart before marking the task as failed1800
Backups -  Destination Path

Destination path where DPOD

should save the

saves its backup files.
This path must be a new dedicated mounted

remote filesystem, you cannot backup to the local filesystem created during
DPOD installation

filesystem (mount point). Backups may not be stored on existing mount point created during DPOD's installation. User can use the Linux command "df -h" to make sure the path entered is a mounted mount point

Backups - Backup Store Free Space Threshold (Percent)Before starting
any backup, DPOD
will check if
ensures that the destination path has enough free storage available.
When the percentage of free storage is less than this value, the backup will not proceed10
Backups - DataPower Temp Free Space Threshold (Percent)For Secure Backup - the backup will be first stored in the DataPower temp filesystem,
Before starting a secure backup, DPOD
will check if
ensures that the temp DataPower filesystem has enough free storage available.
When the percentage of free storage is less than this value, the backup will not proceed10
Maintenance - Max Minutes
to Before Releasing Locks on Running TasksHow long in minutes should DPOD wait
Before Marking Task as CanceledThe amount of time (in minutes) DPOD waits before marking a
hung task as
canceled (minutes from the last time the task's status was changed), so other tasks can
cancelled. This time is relative to the last status change on the task.
When DPOD marks such tasks as cancelled, other tasks may start executing on the device. (
The task itself will not be interrupted)60
Syncs -  Temp Files Path
Where to save
Location where DPOD saves temporary exports and files used by the configuration sync tasks/app/tmp/sync
Firmware Upgrade - Repository PathWhere DPOD should look for the firmware upgrade image files.
It is recommended that you set up a mount point and point the parameter to it.


Using the following DPOD paths and subfolders of those paths is not supported:


Firmware Upgrade - Local Node IP AddressThe network address of DPOD that monitored device can access using SSHNo Default
Firmware Upgrade - OS User NameDPOD OS user name for SCP accessproductuser1
Firmware Upgrade - OS User PasswordDPOD OS user password for SCP access*******
The HTTP Address of the UIThe URL prefix for your DPOD UI - for
example: (everything before /op)
it will be used in the maintenance result emails
No Default