Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The following table lists the available filters within DPOD.
Most sections of DPOD display only a subset of this list, as applicable to the data displayed in different sections.

Filters in IDG View

Filter NameFunctionality
Application DataVisible on the Deprecated Extended Transactions screen only, it is used to search user data.
The use of this filter requires XSLT modification

B2B Message ID
B2B From Partner ID
B2B To Partner ID
B2B From Partner Profile
B2B To Partner Profile

Visible in the Raw Message screen only.
The B2B Message ID, From Partner ID, To Partner ID, From Partner Profile and To Partner

Only show messages of the selected category or categories.

Valid values:
The filter's list is pre-populated with some built-in values.
Users may enter their own values as free text 

CauseVisible in the Restarts dashboard only.
The restart cause (device initiated, user initiated, etc.)
Catalog NameAPI Connect dashboards only.

Client IP

Only show messages and transactions originating on one or more client IPs.
The client IP may be either the origin of the message or the load balancer.

Valid values: Valid IP Addresses

Corr. Id

Only show information related to one or more correlation ids.
This filter only applies to the Deprecated Extended Transactions page.

Valid values: Correlation ids of extended transactions.


Only show information related to the selected device(s).


Only show information related to the selected domain(s).

Asterisk wildcard is supported. e.g. "Prod*" will match all domains that starts with "Prod".

Downtime StartedVisible in the Restarts dashboard only.
The estimated time where the device was not available
Error Message

Only show transactions that failed, where the error message contains the term entered into the input box for this filter.

Valid values: Free text

Free Text

Enter a value to search in multiple fields at once (depends on the page where the


filter exists).
Starting to type in the filter will highlight (using a shadow) all


other filters that will be searched

for the value entered in the Free Text filter.
For example,

in the transactions dashboard, the

in DataPower Transactions, the Device, Domain, Service,


Transaction ID and Client IP information will be searched for the value entered in the Free Text filter.
All values are case sensitive, except for the raw messages' message content

, where you can enter text in any case

(which is case insensitive).

Front-Side Handler

Only show services going through the specific Front-side handler(s).

Valid values:

  • Front Side Handlers in the system (Configuration Only)

Front URI

The URL the service exposes (Configuration Only)
Global Trans. IDThe Global Tansaction ID
In URIVisible on Extended Transactions and Service URI Calls only.
The URI that clients use to invoke transactions.
In URLVisible on Deprecated Extended Transactions and Service URL Calls only.
The URL that clients use to invoke transactions.
Message CodeMessage code as reported from a log target of a monitored device.
Elapsed Time

Filter the displayed transactions by


elapsed time (in ms).

Valid values: Non-negative integers

Request Size

Filter the displayed transactions by




size (in



Valid values: Non-negative integers

Min Response

Available since IDG firmware and for transactions of traditional IDG services

Response Size

Filter the displayed transactions by




size (in



Valid values: Non-negative integers

Available since IDG firmware and for transactions of traditional IDG services

Obj. NameObject Name as reported from a log target of a monitored device.
Normally contains service Name or front side handler
Obj. TypeObject Type as reported from a log target of a monitored device.
OperationService Operation name - only applies for Web-Service Proxy service type.

Visible on Extended Transactions only.

The URL that the transaction invoked at the back end.

PayloadWS-M payload recorded on monitored devices.

Only include transactions on the selected service(s).
Enter either a single service name or multiple names as a comma-separated list. 

Valid values: Any service name(s) in the system

The available values list will change according to the context:
In the Investigate section - Raw  Messages, Transactions or Extended Transactions pages, the list of values will only show services that actually run on the monitroed devices.
In the Explore section - Service Configuration and DevOps services portal, the list of values will show all the services on the monitroed devices, even if they never executed.
You may, enter any value into the filter, even if it doesn't appear in the list of available values.

Service TypeMulti Protocol or Web Service Proxy (Configuration Only)
SeveritySeverity as reported from a log target of a monitored device.

Only include transactions with the selected status(es).

Valid values:

  • OK

Filter display by time interval.

Valid values:

  • Last 5 minutes
  • Last 10 Minutes
  • Last 15 Minutes
  • Last 30 Minutes
  • Last Hour
  • Last 24 Hours
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 30 Days

Click the left arrow next to the filter to move to the previous interval (for example, previous 15 minutes), or the right arrow to move the the next interval (for example, next 15 minutes).

  • Today (Since midnight)
  • This Week (Since midnight on Monday)
  • This Month (Since midnight on the first day of the month)
  • Yesterday (24 hours ending at midnight of previous day)
  • Last Week (7 days ending at midnight of previous day)
  • Last Month (Midnight 1st of previous month to Midnight 1st of current month)

  • User-defined Interval
Trans. Direction

Filter display by the transaction’s direction.

Valid values:

  • Request
  • Response
  • Error
Trans. ID

Filter display by the id(s) of one or more transactions.

Valid values: Transaction ids

Additional Filters in APIC View

Filter NameFunctionality
Catalog Name 
Catalog Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the
catalog that was used during the API call.
Space Name 
Space Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the
space that was used during the API call.
Plan Name 
ProductFilter the displayed transactions by the product name
of the Plan
that was
used during
consumed by the API call. 
Plan ID 
Plan Filter the displayed transactions by the
name of the
plan that was used during the API call.
API Name Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the API that was activated.
API Version Filter the displayed transactions by the version of the API that was activated.
Path URL 
App NameFilter the displayed transactions by the name of the
URL that was activated by the client
consumer application that made the API call.
HTTP Method Filter the displayed transactions by the HTTP
method that was used in the API call HTTP request.
Operation ID 

Filter the displayed transactions by the

ID of the operation that was activated during the API call. 

URL that was activated by the client.

In URIFilter the displayed transactions by the URI that was activated by the client.
FE HTTP Res. Code (Front-End HTTP Response Code) Filter the displayed transactions by the HTTP response code that the APIC sent back to the client.
Client ID Filter the displayed transactions by the ID of the client that activated the API call. 
Client IDs are generated by the API Management
server during client registration.
Product Name
Client IPFilter the displayed transactions by
the product name that was consumed by
the client IP address or load balancer address of the consumer that made the API call.
OAuth Scope Filter the displayed transactions by the
scope of the OAuth
token that was delivered by the client in the API call.
OAuth Resource Owner Filter the displayed transactions by the
Resource Owner
resource owner of the OAuth
token that was delivered by the client in the API call.
OAuth Token Valid From Filter the displayed transactions by the time that the OAuth
token is valid from.
OAuth Token Valid Until Filter the displayed transactions by the time that the OAuth
token is valid
to.Min. Request Latency Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time it took to process the request (in ms).Min. Response Latency Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time it took to process the response (in ms).Min. Back-End Latency Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time it took to wait for the backend server to reply (in ms).Min. Total Latency 
Elapsed TimeFilter the displayed transactions by the
elapsed time that the API
transaction took till a response was returned to the client (in ms).
Request Size Filter the displayed transactions by the
size of the request (in bytes).
Response Size Filter the displayed transactions by the
size of the
response (in bytes).
Reason Filter the display to only show transactions that failed, where the error
reason contains the
term typed in the input box for this filter.
Message Filter the display to only show transactions that failed, where the error
message contains the
term typed in the input box for this filter.
Consumer Org
Policy NameFilter the displayed transactions
by the Consumer Organization Name that the client who activated the API call belongs to.Front-End HTTP Response Code 
by the policy name of the element in API diagram/assembly.
Gateway TypeFilter the displayed transactions
by the HTTP Response Code that the APIC sent back to the client.Back-End HTTP Response Code Filter the displayed transactions by the HTTP Response Code that the APIC recieved from the backend.
by the gateway type - DataPower Gateway (API Connect v5 and compatibility mode) or DataPower API Gateway (API Connect v6 and up)