Syslog Format for Flatline
/ Frequency alerts
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<16>Oct 23 15:40:43 dpod [0x00a0001a][DPOD-alert][info] AlertName:(Devices CPU Metric) AlertDesc:(Alert on Devices CPU over 80%) on:(idg77) Value:(85.0) Threshold:(75.0) Filters:[device(),domain(),service()] Interval:[timestampStart(10/23/2018 15:35:43.714),timestampStartLong(1540298143714),timestampEnd(10/23/2018 15:40:43.714),timestampEndLong(1540298443714)] |
TimeDPOD server hostnameCategoryAlerts Message IDLevel10/23/2018 Alert Name | Alert Description | On (Alert Device/ Object) | Alert Details | Always <16> |
Time | Oct 23 15:40:43 |
.714dpod | | Alert's execution time |
DPOD server host name | dpod | The host name of DPOD server that generated the alert |
Alerts Syslog Message ID | [0x00a0001a] | Always [0x00a0001a] |
Category | [DPOD-alert |
0x00a0001a (always the same) | info] | Always [DPOD-alert] |
Severity Level | [info] | May be set via System Parameters ("Syslog Severity Field Value") |
Alert Name | AlertName:(Devices CPU Metric) | The alert name as defined in Alerts Setup |
Alert Description | AlertDesc:(Alert on Devices CPU over 80% |
idg77 | Value:(85.0) Threshold:(75.0) Filters:[device(),domain(),service()] Interval:[timestampStart(10/23/2018 15:35:43.714),timestampStartLong(1540298143714),timestampEnd(10/23/2018 15:40:43.714),timestampEndLong(1540298443714)] | Syslog Format for Frequency alerts (match if the number of fetched documents is more than threshold X)
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<16>Oct 23 17:44:23 dpod [0x00a0001a][DPOD-alert][info] AlertName:(Transaction Errors Alert) AlertDesc:(Alert when 5 or more Transactions with errors in the last 30 minutes) on:(mpgw - webapi) Value:(22.0) Threshold:(5.0) Filters:[device(idg77),domain(),service()] Interval:[timestampStart(10/22/2018 17:44:23.088),timestampStartLong(1540219463088),timestampEnd(10/23/2018 17:44:23.088),timestampEndLong(1540305863088)] |
Time | DPOD server hostname | Category | Alerts Syslog Message ID | Level | Alert Name | Alert Description | On (Alert Device/ Object) | Alert Details |
10/23/2018 17:44:23.088 | dpod | DPOD-alert | 0x00a0001a (always the same) | info May be set via System Parameters ("Syslog Severity Field Value") | Transaction Errors Alert | Alert when 5 or more Transactions with errors in the last 30 minutes | mpgw - webapi | Value:(22.0) Threshold:(5.0) Filters:[device(idg77) | The alert description as defined in Alerts Setup |
Alerted Object | on:(idg77) | The object (device, service, message, etc.) the alert was generated on |
Alert Value | Value:(85.0) | The query's result value |
Alert Threshold | Threshold:(75.0) | The alert error threshold as defined in Alerts Setup |
Alert Filters | Filters:[device(),domain(),service()] | Additional criteria for the alert's execution |
Time Range | Interval:[timestampStart(10/ |
22 17442308815402194630881540298143714), timestampEnd(10/23/2018 |
17442308815403058630881540298443714)] | The time frame for the alert's execution |
Syslog Format for Any
Info |
Threshold is not applicable for alert types "any" and "list" |
/ List alerts
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<16>Oct 24 08:30:23 dpod[0x00a0001a][DPOD-alert][info] AlertName:(Objects Down Alert) AlertDesc:(Alert on any DP object that is enabled but down) on:([Domain is down, LogTarget, idg77, HospitalA_Domain]) Value:(null) Threshold:(null) Filters:[device(),domain(),service()] Interval:[timestampStart(10/24/2018 08:25:23.531),timestampStartLong(1540358723531),timestampEnd(10/24/2018 08:30:23.531),timestampEndLong(1540359023531)] |
TimeDPOD server hostnameCategoryAlerts Message IDLevel10/24/2018 Alert Name | Alert Description | On (Alert Object Down) | Alert Details | Always <16> |
Time | Oct 24 08:30:23 |
.531dpod | | Alert's execution time |
DPOD server host name | dpod | The host name of DPOD server that generated the alert |
Alerts Syslog Message ID | [0x00a0001a] | Always [0x00a0001a] |
Category | [DPOD-alert |
0x00a0001a (always the same) | info] | Always [DPOD-alert] |
Severity Level | [info] | May be set via System Parameters ("Syslog Severity Field Value") |
Alert Name | AlertName:(Objects Down Alert) | The alert name as defined in Alerts Setup |
Alert Description | AlertDesc:(Alert on any DP object that is enabled but down) | The alert description as defined in Alerts Setup |
Alerted Object | on:([Domain is down, LogTarget, idg77, HospitalA_Domain] |
Value:(null) Threshold:(null) Filters:[device(),domain(),service()] Interval:[timestampStart(10/24/2018 08:25:23.531),timestampStartLong(1540358723531),timestampEnd(10/24/2018 08:30:23.531),timestampEndLong(1540359023531)]
Syslog Format for List alerts (match if a certain field of the fetched records matches a blacklist/whitelist)
Time | DPOD server hostname | Category | Alerts Syslog Message ID | Level | Alert Name | Alert Description | On (Syslog Errors) | Alert Details |
10/24/2018 08:30:23.531 | dpod | DPOD-alert | 0x00a0001a (always the same) | info May be set via System Parameters ("Syslog Severity Field Value") | Syslog Errors MessageCode Alert | Alert on any syslog errors with specific message codes | [An error occurred on socket (260). Error details (113: No route to host). Local( - Remote(n/a), 11, 31562, 297, 1540359962073, 1, 526, idg77, 3, 02, 2018, 176f0f31-d750-11e8-b42e-000c299db48d, 073827, 7, 1540359962073827, error, wdp-syslog-sys-error_active-node_N001, 2018-10-24T08:46:02.073827+03:00,, APIMgmt_B72F7777F4, 10, false, 08:46:02, MonTier-SyslogAgent-1, 08, 46, <11>2018-10-24T08:46:02.073827+03:00 MonTierLocalId-3 [0x80e006ba][network][error] trans(54159): An error occurred on socket (260). Error details (113: No route to host). Local( - Remote(n/a), 24, 1540359963013, 54159, 1540359963013,, 0x80e006ba, +03:00, network, 60000] | Value:(null) Threshold:(null) ) | The object (device, service, message, etc.) the alert was generated on |
Alert Value | Value:(null) | The alert value is not applicable for alert types "any" and "list" |
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<16>Oct 24 08:47:23 dpod[0x00a0001a][DPOD-alert][info] AlertName:(Syslog Errors MessageCode Alert) AlertDesc:(Alert on any syslog errors with specific message codes) on:([An error occurred on socket (260). Error details (113: No route to host). Local( - Remote(n/a), 11, 31562, 297, 1540359962073, 1, 526, idg77, 3, 02, 2018, 176f0f31-d750-11e8-b42e-000c299db48d, 073827, 7, 1540359962073827, error, wdp-syslog-sys-error_active-node_N001, 2018-10-24T08:46:02.073827+03:00,, APIMgmt_B72F7777F4, 10, false, 08:46:02, MonTier-SyslogAgent-1, 08, 46, <11>2018-10-24T08:46:02.073827+03:00 MonTierLocalId-3 [0x80e006ba][network][error] trans(54159): An error occurred on socket (260). Error details (113: No route to host). Local( - Remote(n/a), 24, 1540359963013, 54159, 1540359963013,, 0x80e006ba, +03:00, network, 60000]) Value:(null) Threshold:(null) Filters:[device(),domain(),service()] Interval:[timestampStart(10/24/2018 08:42:23.538),timestampStartLong(1540359743538),timestampEnd(10/24/2018 08:47:23.538),timestampEndLong(1540360043538)]
Alert Threshold | Threshold:(null) | The alert threshold is not applicable for alert types "any" and "list" |
Alert Filters | Filters:[device(),domain(),service()] | Additional criteria for the alert's execution |
Time Range | Interval:[timestampStart(10/24/2018 08: |
4253815403597435381540358723531), timestampEnd(10/24/2018 08: |
475381540360043538)1540359023531)] | The time frame for the alert's execution |