This is a tech preview feature introduced in v1.0.5. When used, a syslog record will be sent for each DataPower transaction.
Field Name | Description | Possible Values | ||||||
deviceName | DataPower device name | String | ||||||
domainName | DataPower domain name where the transaction was executed | String | ||||||
latencyElapsed | The elapsed time of the transaction in milliseconds | long | ||||||
microSecTimestamp | Timestamp format of the time the transaction started | String | ||||||
microSecTimestampStart | For internal use | String | ||||||
microSecTimestampFinish | For internal use | String | ||||||
serviceType | Service type as defined in DataPower | String - mpgw,wsp,xml-firewall,b2bgw | ||||||
transactionGlobalId | DataPower global transaction ID (GTID) | 26 chars long | ||||||
transactionId | DataPower transaction ID (TID) | long numberserviceUri | Request URI | String | ||||
serviceUrl | Request URL | String | ||||||
srcNodeName | The name of the DPOD node that captured the transaction | domainName | DataPower domain name where the transaction was executed | String | ||||
deviceName | DataPower device name | String | ||||||
timeYearOnly | Year of transaction start | format YYYY | ||||||
timeMonthNum | Month number of transaction start | 1-12 | ||||||
timeDay | Day of month of transaction start | 1-31 | ||||||
timeHHMMSS | Full time of transaction start | format HHMMSS where: HH: 00-23 | ||||||
timeHour | Hour of transaction start | 00-23 | ||||||
timeMinute | Minute of transaction start | 0-59 | ||||||
timeSecond | Second of transaction start | 00-59 | ||||||
timeMicroSec | Microsecond of transaction start | isError | Indication whether the transaction completed with errors | boolean true/false | ||||
isTechnicalError | Indication whether the transaction completed with errors | boolean true/false | ||||||
clientIp | The client IP of the machine (or load balancer) where the transaction started. | String | ||||||
serviceName | The service the transaction ran on. | String | ||||||
transactionId | DataPower transaction ID (TID) | String | ||||||
transactionGlobalId | DataPower global transaction ID (GTID) | 26 chars long | ||||||
timeZone | The time zone used to log transaction start | String format +ZZZZ | ||||||
docAddedTimeInMil | For internal use | long | ||||||
timeInMil | Transaction start time since Epoch in milliseconds | long number | ||||||
timeInMicroSectimeHHMMSS | Transaction start time since Epoch in microseconds | timeDayInYear | Day of year Full time of transaction start | 1-365 | ||||
timeSecondInDay | Second in the Day of transaction start | 0-86399 | ||||||
timeMinuteInDay | Minute in the Day of transaction start | 0-3599 | ||||||
timeDayInWeek | Day in a week of transaction start | 1-7. 1- Sunday, 7-Saturday. | ||||||
microSecTimestamp | Timestamp format of the time the transaction started | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSS+ZZZZ String format HHMMSS where: HH: 00-23 | ||||||
aggRecordVersion | Estimated FW version of the DataPower that executed the transaction. (For internal use) | String | technicalServiceName | Service Name. Note: in WSP we are not currently providing an operation name | String | technicalErrorMessage | Error message relating to the transaction. This field will only be populated when the transaction completed with error. | String |
isTechnicalError | Indication whether the transaction completed with errors | true/false | ||||||
aggErrorCode | Error Code in DataPower | String | ||||||
message | The Syslog line that DPOD discerned is most likely to reflect the error cause | String | ||||||
aggIndTXError | Indication that information on error transaction was received | true/false | ||||||
aggIndTXFinished | Indication that information on transaction completion was received | true/false | ||||||
aggIndTXStarted | Indication that information on starting transaction arrived | true/false | ||||||
aggFirstTxOfGtx | Indication on whether this is the first transaction in a group. In this case -there might be a following transaction logged with the same GTID | true/false | ||||||
microSecTimestampFinish | For internal use | long | ||||||
aggUuidGtidEpochSeconds | For internal use | long | ||||||
docAddedTimeInMil | For internal use | long | ||||||
WDPTutXUuidGtidTid | For internal use | long | ||||||
WDPTutXUuidGtidDeviceId | For internal use | String | ||||||
aggUuidGtidTimst | For internal use | String | ||||||
microSecTimestampStart | For internal use | String |
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
{ "dpod_index" : "[logical-tran-compact_i1i3][0]", "dpod_type" : "wdpLogicalTranswdpLogicalTransChild", "dpod_id" : "802d48ad5976a98f00080cc4ea5ae3c55b45be5500056a13_527556348659", "dpod_timestamp" : "20172018-07-25T0211T08:1522:2345.279Z457Z", "dpod_version" : 45, "dpod_operation" : "INDEX", "dpod_source" : { "serviceTypedeviceName" : "mpgw1cb3a54303a9", "timeDayInYeardomainName" : "206Infra_Domain", "transactionGlobalId" : "802d48ad5976a98f00080cc4", "timeDayInWeek" latencyElapsed": "2", "microSecTimestampStartmicroSecTimestamp" : "20172018-07-25T0511T11:1422:3945.570000+0000", "timeHHMMSS" : "05:14:39", 313729+03:00", "aggUuidGtidTimstmicroSecTimestampStart" : "20172018-07-25 0211T11:14:39", "aggFirstTxOfGtx" : "true", 22:45.313729+03:00", "aggIndTXStartedmicroSecTimestampFinish" : "true", "deviceName" : "idg7600", "timeSecond" : "39", "aggUuidGtidEpochSeconds" : "1500948879", "timeSecondInDay" : "18879", "timeMinuteInDay" : "314", "timeYearOnly" : "2017", "timeInMicroSec" : "1500948879569000", "srcNodeName" : "NODE0", "timeDay" : "25", "microSecTimestamp" : "2017-07-25T05:14:39.569000+0000", "WDPTutXUuidGtidDeviceId" : "802d48ad", : "2018-07-11T11:22:45.315558+03:00", "timeInMilserviceType" : "1500948879569xmlfirewall", "timeZoneserviceUri" : "+0000/UpdateWantedMenProfiles_WHSW/Service.asmx", "transactionIdserviceUrl" : "527556", "timeMinute" : "14", "timeMonthNum" : "07", "domainName" : "APIMgmt_ACB198F9A6", http://Infra.HA:2555/UpdateWantedMenProfiles_WHSW/Service.asmx", "timeMicroSecsrcNodeName" : "569000NODE0", "timeHourisError" : "05"false, "WDPTutXUuidGtidTidisTechnicalError" : "00080cc4"false, "aggRecordVersionclientIp" : "7172.677.077.0+5", "technicalServiceNameserviceName" : "GetDeliveryStatusWSS_MHJVLoopback.MPGWXMLFW", "docAddedTimeInMiltransactionId" : "1500948882966348659", "technicalErrorMessagetransactionGlobalId" : "Invalid JSON formatea5ae3c55b45be5500056a13", "isTechnicalErrortimeZone" : "1+03:00", "aggErrorCodedocAddedTimeInMil" : "0x02130008"1531297365329, "messagetimeHHMMSS" : "<11>2017-07-25T05:14:39.570000+0000 MonTierLocalId-8 [0x02130008][mpgw][error] mpgw(GetDeliveryStatus_MHJV.MPGW): trans(527556)[error][] gtid(802d48ad5976a98f00080cc4): Invalid JSON format\r", 11:22:45", "aggIndTXErrortimeInMil" : "true"1531297365313, "microSecTimestampFinishaggRecordVersion" : "2017-07-25T05:14:39.573000+0000", "aggIndTXFinished" : "true"" } } |
Feature enablement
Perform the following steps to enable this feature
Configure each Store data node (for example: number 2 and 4) as follow:
- cd /app/elasticsearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-Node-2
- Edit the elasticsearch.yml file
uncomment Uncomment the following parametersparameter:
Parameter Values Description tcp or udp the protocol used to send messages to syslog ip address v4 or valid hostname target syslog agent hostname integer 1-65535 target syslog agent port plugin.disable false or true disable or enable SSL text A-Z|a-z|0-9 name - 8 chars syslog application nameenable or disable the plugin
Configure Syslog agent
For each syslog agent in the system perform the following: