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When you click a transaction’s ID in the transactions list, DPOD loads the full details of the transaction into the information window.

This view provides a plethora of information about the single transaction in the following widgets.



Details Panel

The widget panel at the top of the window displays various details about the transaction, sc such as time, status, device, domain, service, operation and Client IP.

This information is identical to the information displayed for the transaction in the Transactions table.

Transaction Analysis Widget

Error analysis

(For transactions in Error status only). 

These are network or SSL errors. Transactions that are erroneous as a result of the output policy are not reported here.

If the error is common, DPOD will provide a description of the error here. This is especially useful in situations where the raw logs are
hidden on account of security policies, and cannot be viewed by the user.

DPOD Administrators can also add error analysis descriptionsAPI Name, catalog, etc.

Previous/Next buttons

If you navigate to this page from a transactions list that contains more than one transaction, previous/next buttons will appear to quickly move to the next or previous transaction on that list.

The size of next/previous transactions results can be defined in the System Parameters list.

Transaction Analysis Panel

Error analysis

Displays a summary of all errors found by DPOD for this transaction.

Elapsed Time 

A breakdown of the transaction’s elapsed time between network, monitored device and Service Providergateway processing and Back-End processing.
This analysis lets you view latency data pertaining to the transaction, and potentially identify network congestion or issues.
This data is only available for successful transactions.

Payload Size

Displays the request and response size.


Memory consumption graphs for the request and response parts of the transaction, across the transaction lifetime and state changes.
The memory graph is designed to display the differential memory consumption between processing policy actions in a processing rule.

The purpose is to assist the user in troubleshooting high memory consumption by one or more processing actions (for example when using inefficient XSLT).
The graph is built based on the DataPower “memory-report” records.
In some cases the memory value reported at the beginning of a transaction is higher than the following memory report leading to a negative value.

To investigate the service’s total memory usage please navigate to Dashboards -> Resources -> Service Memory.
The memory graph display the differential memory value in KB.

Policy Graph

Green nodes represent user policies and their latency, hover over the latency node to view the policy typemore details.
Blue nodes represent the API Framework latency.
Click on a user policy to open the Policy Details Window (more details later on this page)

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Raw Messages Tab

The raw messages tab is identical to the raw messages tab in the DataPower transaction page

Payload Tab

The payload tab is identical to the payload tab in the DataPower transaction page

Extended Latency Tab

The extended latency tab is identical to the extended latency tab in the DataPower transaction page

Side Calls

The side calls tab shows both API-C internal side calls (such as calls to API-C Analytics) and side calls that were made by user policies.
Image RemovedPre/Post processing polices (DataPower API Gateway only) will appear with a Blue border.
The user can switch between “Primary Policies” and “All Policies”.
For primary policies - all pre policies and post policies are grouped into 2 boxes (pre and post) with the aggregated latency and the number of policies. If the pre or post contains user policies, it will appear with a green border, otherwise blue.

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Click on a user policy or on a pre/post policy to open the Policy Details Window.

Policy Details Window

The top part of the window shows the policy graph, you can focus on any user policy by clicking it, click on "Switch to Response/Request" to change the displayed direction.
The middle part shows general details about the policy, such as the policy name, type and direction and the execution time in ms.
The lower part shows a list of side calls made by this policy. and a list of context variables and their values (if a policy variables capture was active during the execution of this transaction)
If a policy variables capture was active, but no data is showing in the "Context variables" table - wait a few seconds and refresh the page, it may take up to 2 minutes for the data to appear.

Keyboard shortcuts - 
Left or Right arrows - Previous / Next policy
Enter - Switch between requests and responses.
Space - Wrap the policy variables values text.
Escape - close the window.Image RemovedClose the window.

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Raw Messages Tab

This widget lists the raw messages that make up the single transaction viewed (up to 2000 messages). 

Tracking the raw messages making up transactions in error may provide insights into the causes of failures.

Tracking the raw messages making up successful transactions may provide insights into slow components or unnecessary steps.

The information is displayed in a table.



The message’s category


The message’s severity


The message’s timestamp


The message’s direction. This may be:

  • Request
  • Response
  • Error (if message is an error)
  • Empty (if it is a system message)

Object Type

The object type associated with this message

Object Name

The object name associated with this message

Client IP

The Client IP this message originated from. This may be the actual client, or a load balancer.

Message Code

The message’s code


The actual message logged.

Correlated Transactions Tab

The Correlated Transactions Tab (Appears only if the user has appropriate permissions), shows all the transactions with the same Global Transaction ID, both Gateway transactions and API-C transactions are shown.
The transactions are sorted by their start time, where the first transaction that run appears on top..

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The Trans. ID column displays the transaction ID of the correlated transaction, or "Current" for the current transaction in view. Click the Transaction ID to navigate to the Single Transaction Page of that transaction.
The link will appear only if the user has appropriate permissions to view that particular transaction.

The Service/API column displays the Gateway Service name, or the API Name+API Version.

The Status column displays the transaction status, as shown in the Single Transaction page.

The Message column displays the error message analysis, as shown in the Single Transaction Page. (see "Error Analysis" previously on this page)

Clicking on the Raw Errors links (appears only if the transaction did have any errors, and only if the user has appropriate permissions) will open a window with the all the transactions' error messages, note that the existence of error messages doesn't necessarily mean that the transaction failed. 

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Side Calls Tab

The side calls tab shows both side calls that were made by user policies and internal side calls (such as calls to API-C Analytics).

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Payload Tab

When payload is captured for this transaction, the Payload pane of the table will contain payload information for the messages displayed.
The payload is shown for both the front end and the back end (when applicable), for both the request and response.

A link to Payload Capture will appear if payload does not exist.

Headers Tab

When API-C Analytics data is captured via Payload Captureheaders information is displayed for both the request and response.

Extended Latency Tab

Detailed latency information for both the request and response phases.

API-C Analytics Tab

When API-Connect Analytics data is captured via Payload Capture, this data is displayed in this tab.

The "Analytics Data" inner tab displays the API-Connect Analytics data after it has been parsed and enriched by DPOD. Use the "Raw Data" inner tab to view the original event data received from API-Connect Analytics without parsing and enrichment.