Versions Compared


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Perform the following steps to deploy DPOD on a Prepre-installed CentOS / RHEL: 

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2, 7.4 or -7.5 (79, 8.3 is not supported)
  • CentOS version 7.2 / 7.4

Prepare the Installation files


Execute the CEF File 

From the  location of the CEF file, execute the CEF  (the CEF file is in a Compressed Executable Format) 


  • version 7.7-7.9

This video demonstrates how to install DPOD Non-Appliance mode on RHEL 7.8 operating system. Use it just as a demonstration, as it is not kept up-to-date with every change in the process. When installing DPOD, you should follow the procedure provided below.


Execute the CEF File

  • The CEF file may be executed from any directory that meets the following requirements (e.g. /tmp):
    • The directory has at least 1GB of free space after the CEF file is copied.
    • The directory is NOT mounted with noexec flag (e.g.: in /etc/fstab).
    • The directory is NOT one of the following: /app, /logs, /data, /shared, /installs.
  • Download the CEF (Compressed Executable Format) file and copy it to the chosen directory.

  • By default, CEF file content is extracted to /tmp directory. To change the destination directory, use the option --dest-dir <directory> when executing the CEF file.
  • Execute the following commands:

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    chmod 755 <CEF_FILE>

The Installation Process

  1. The CEF installer displays a series of questions, requiring you to verify that your appliance meets machine and operating system meet the installation prerequisites
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  2. Once you answered answer Yes to all questions, the installer will verify the system meets all prerequisites.
    Critical compatibility checks must be satisfied in order to install the system, while other informational compatibility checks will make sure the operating system is optimized and will notify if changes are recommended to be made.
    Please take time to review the results of these checks after installation, and perform all applicable optimizations. The compatibility checks report can be found in /installs/logs/appliance_checks-<date time>.log.
  3. Next, you can change the time and date settings

    (or leave them as they are)
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  4. Choose an environment name for this DPOD installation, each DPOD installation must have a unique 4-character environment name.


    If you are installing a second DPOD machine that will be used as the standby machine in a DR Active/Standby scenario, the environment name must be identical to the environment name of the active DPOD installation.

    If you are installing DPOD as part of a Cell environment, the environment name must be identical between the Cell Manager and all Cell Members.

  5. Choose whether you use SSD storage
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    Set . this will help optimizing the performance.
  6. Configure the Store Service dedicated user Image Removed(default is storeadm).
  7. (Optional) If you have 2 NICs, the following question may appear:

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  8. Accept or Decline decline the EULA
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  9. Choose the installation architecture, Ensure your appliance machine has enough memory and storage availableresources for the chosen architecture, or the installation will stopmight abort.
    The Architecture architecture options you see on-screen may differ from the ones in the screenshot below, as they depend on the installation package you obtained.

  10. The installation will commence.
    The process takes 5-15 minutes, and when it ends the installer displays a message indicating whether the process was successful or not,
    alongside the name of the installation log file
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    Verify your installation.

Post Installation

  1. Once the installation is complete, it is recommended to let DPOD optimize the operating system parameters to ensure performance.
    Please review the script before executing it and make sure the OS parameters values match your organization's policy.

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