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The side calls tab shows both API-C internal side calls (such as calls to API-C Analytics) and side calls that were made by user policies.

Policy Details Window

The top part of the window shows the policy graph, you can focus on any user policy by clicking it, click on "Switch to Response/Request" to change the displayed direction.
The middle part shows general details about the policy, such as the policy name, type and direction and the execution time in ms.
The lower part shows a list of side calls made by this policy. and a list of context variables and their values (if a policy variables capture was active during the execution of this transaction)
If a policy variables capture was active, but no data is showing in the "Context variables" table - wait a few seconds and refresh the page, it may take up to 2 minutes for the data to appear.

Keyboard shortcuts - 
Left or Right arrows - Previous / Next policy
Enter - Switch between requests and responses.
Space - Wrap the policy variables values text.
Escape - close the window.
