The local WSDL promotion replace replaces the current service WSDL and XSDs XSD with new files supplied by the user.
Warning |
In some cases, depends depending on the WSDL contents, the old WSEndpointRewritePolicy that is attached to the WS-Proxy can not be used with the new WSDL. |
Initiating a New Validate or Promote Local WSDL Request
After clicking "Execute" the next following message will appearappears
DPOD's internal process will monitor and start executing pending requests every one minute.
Validation Flow
- DPOD will use a temporary domain on a monitored device that was chosen and created by the admin.
- First DPOD will execute a custom user script that will analyze the current service's WSDL and will return all the schema files used by the seviceservice
- DPOD will download all the WSDL/XSD files of the current service
- DPOD will execute a second custom user script that will to analyze the new WSDL/XSD files and will replace all the references in the files so they will point to the correct DataPower paths
- DPOD will upload the new altered WSDL/XSD files to the temporary domain and will create a new service that uses this WSDL
- The new temporary service will be created without any front side handlers.
- After creating the temporary service, DPOD will check checks the its DataPower's WSDL compilation status.
Info |
Messages from the validation steps may return DataPower errors or messages about service with a random name such as DD0396FC-D428-40E8-B64C-913824FD16D4 - this is the name of the temporary service used by DPOD. The same applies to messages about the WSDL/XSD validation, they will be uploaded to the temporary domain local storage in local:///temp-service-name/ (e.g. local:///DD0396FC-D428-40E8-B64C-913824FD16D4/) |
Promotion Flow
- DPOD automatically first runs the validation flow and will continue to step 2 only if the validation was successful
- DPOD uploads the altered files from the validation steps to the DataPower, and creates any directories if needed.
Existing files with the same identical names may be overriden. - DPOD exports the original service
- DPOD changes the WSDL address in the export
- DPOD import imports the original service with the modified WSDL address.
- DPOD checks the WSDL status and the service operational state
- If the service is not up or the WSDL status is not okay ok - DPOD tries to rollback the operation by uploading the original WSDL/XSD files to local store and importing the service again with the original unchanged WSDL address