Versions Compared


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  • Supported Gateway firmware level is levels are 10.0.x and 2018.4.x.
    Some functionalities are also available for lower firmware levels. For more details please see 
    Release Notes.
  • Supported API Connect version is versions are 10.0.x and , 2018.4.x (compatibility mode) or API GW Service or API Connect and 5.0.8.x.
  • DPOD only supports gateways with supported firmware levels that meet the minimum system requirements for DataPower Gateways.
  • The DataPower Gateway language must be set to English.

Physical HW or Hypervisor Hypervisor

DPOD can be installed on either a Virtualized Environment virtual environment (Hypervisorshypervisors) or Physical server physical servers (Intel(C) based CPUs and supporting CentOS/RedHat 7.x OS). Consult the table below for information to support this decision.

For a production environment suitable for hypervisor (virtual environment), the virtual appliance is supported on the following VMware hypervisors:

  • VMWare ESX  ESX - v6.0, v6.5VMWare Player -  , v6.7
  • VMWare Workstation/Player - v14, v15VMWare Workstation - v14, v15v16
  • VMware Fusion - v11.0, v11.5, v12.0, v12.1
  • PureApp (only on Intel Processors) - no pattern yet available, can be provided only as an imported OVA.
  • For Hyper V support - contact your IBM sales representatives.


DPOD offers 6 basic load configuration setups. :

  • One load configuration architecture setup architecture for development (exists only in the Developer Edition ISO file).
    The Developer edition Developer E
    dition ISO file name is DPOD-Developer-CentOS-<version>.iso, and can be downloaded from Fix Central.
  • Five load configuration architecture setups that exist for architectures for the Standard Edition are available in, available as

    • Appliance Mode (ISO file) - DPOD_CentOS_<version>.iso - can be downloaded from PPA. For example: DPOD_CentOS_1.0.11.0.iso 
    • Non-Appliance Mode (Compressed Executable file) - DPOD_RedHat_<version>.cef - can be downloaded from PPA. For example: DPOD_RedHat_1.0.11.0.cef


Please consider the following rules of thumb for sizing:

  • Customers that expect a load of up to 120 TPS (across all devices, including future growth) may choose one of the options from the table below.
  • Customers that expect a load of over


  • 120 TPS (across all devices, including future growthare required to complete a sizing process by opening a support ticket


  • with IBM Support


  • .
  • Currently a single installation of DPOD cell environment with 7 physical cell members can process up to ~20,000 TPS (assuming ~35 Syslog records per transaction on average)Customers with higher load than that may create several installations, each can handle up to ~20,000 TPS.


OS: 40 GB
Install: 40 GB
Data(2+5): 8,000 GB

Available in Edition

Load Configuration Architecture


TPS Limit (4)Limit

Supports Virtual Environment

Cores (1)

RAM (3)Cores





Developers only. In rare cases can be used for functional POCs.
Under restricted license.

2-3 TPS

Can be virtual (5)

2 cores (1)

4 GB (3)

Single disk: 25GB



POCs and Evaluationevaluation.
Limited history period to reduce memory requirements.


Can be virtual (5)

4 cores (1)

18 GB (3)

OS: 40 GB
Install: 40 GB
Data(2): 100+ -300 GB



Environment with low load levels

40 TPS

Can be virtual (5)

6 cores (1)

32 GB (3)

OS: 40 GB
Install: 40 GB
Data(2): 100+ -1000 GB



Environment with Moderate moderate load

80 TPS

Can be virtual (5)

8 cores64GB (1)

64 GB (3)

OS: 40 GB
Install: 40 GB
Data(2): 300+ -2,000 GB



Environment with Moderate with moderate load

120 TPS

Can be virtual, but not recommended

12 cores

128GB (5)

16 cores (1)

128-256 GB (3)

OS: 40 GB
Install: 40 GB
Data(2): 1,000+ GB-8 TB



Environment with Medium medium to high load

200 TPSCan be increased to 1500 TPS by adding resources(5) -1500 TPS (6)

Must be installed on a physical server

16 cores


OS: 40 GB
Install: 40 GB
Data(2): 2,000 GB


Environment with High load

1500 TPS(5) 

Must be installed on a physical server

24 cores(5) 


Needs sizing (6)

Needs sizing (6)

Needs sizing (6)

StandardHigh_20dvEnvironment with Very High very high load2750 TPSTPS (6)Must be installed on a physical serverTBDNeeds sizing (6)TBDNeeds sizing (6)TBDNeeds sizing (6)
StandardFederated ArchitectureEnvironment with Very High very high load>2750 TPS - TBDTBD (6)Must be installed on physical serversTBDNeeds sizing (6)TBDNeeds sizing (6)TBD(6)

High Load capacity plan sizing example


Needs sizing (6)

(1) The hosting server (e.g. ESXi) CPU utilization should not exceed 80%, otherwise performance of DPOD cannot be guaranteed. To . To ensure best query indexing performance, the virtual machine configuration should be set to have reserved CPUs.

(2) Local SSD preferred - should be located on a data store separated from the other disks.

(3) To ensure best query performance, the virtual machine configuration should be set to have reserved memory.

(4) The TPS is the maximum total transaction load across all devices/domains connected to DPOD.

(5) To cater for 1500 TPS, customers are required to have 256GB memory, 24 Physical cores (each is Hyper-Threaded thus equivalent to a total of 48), Local storage with RAID0 across 4-8 SSD Disks (SAS 6GBs) - each supporting at least 80K Random Write IOPS 4KiB and write avg latency of less than 35 uSec. Two controllers will be required to be attached to each CPU. Please keep the ratio between RAM and Data storage size to be 1GB RAM: 16GB Data Disk (recommended) and no more than 1 GB RAM:32GB DISK (minimal).(6) To cater to 2750 TPS or more, customers  Virtual deployments performance cannot be guaranteed. Virtual deployments performance depends on the server hosting the VM (ESX), its configuration, the overall load it is experiencing at any given time from any of its VMs, and especially the performance of the remote storage.

(6) Customers will be provided with specifications after a sizing process with L3.


Storage Requirements


  • DPOD serves as a database and should, therefore, be configured to use very fast disks. For this reason, DPOD installation requires 3 separate DISKS  for OS, Installation, and Data.
  • Usage of slow disks is not recommended and . It will impact the maximum TPS that DPOD can process, the performance of queries and the amount of time between the creation of transaction logs and the availability of the data on DPOD's dashboards.
  • For Physical hardware installations that can utilize HW RAID services the following setup is recommended:
    • RAID5 - 40GB - for OS disk
    • RAID5 - 40GB - for App disk
    • RAID0 - Depends on volume - for Data disk
  • For each 1 TB of data 64 GB of RAM is recommended for responsive queries (dashboards and filters). Please keep the ratio between RAM and Data storage size to be 1GB RAM: 16GB Data Disk (recommended) and no more than 1 GB 1GB RAM : 32GB DISK Disk (minimal).


titleRAID Support
  • NFS is not supported for the data disk, as the Store relies on file system behavior that NFS does not supply. Data corruption and other problems can occur.
  • Software RAID (such as CentOS built-in RAID


  • )


  • is not supported.

Network Requirements

DPOD requires at least one network interface for accessing DPOD's User Interface and communications with Gateway's Management Interface.

Operating System Requirements


(only applicable to Non-Appliance mode)

  • CentOS 7.47-7.8 9 - x86-64 bit only on supported HW or Hypervisor as stated above.
  • RHEL 7.47-7.8 9 - x86-64 bit only on supported HW or Hypervisor as stated above.
  • Server OS must be a fresh install without any other installed products.
  • In Non-Appliance mode the OS support is not covered but recommendations will be provided.
  • Other 3rd

    Third-party software

    products for backups, security, and monitoring may be installed. However, due to diversity their impact is unknown.

    such as antivirus, cybersecurity, monitoring, APM, endpoint protection, backup, etc. might significantly decrease the performance of DPOD and impact its functionality. During the resolution of issues, DPOD support will ask the customer to disable


    any 3rd party

    tools, so that issues may be isolated and DPOD verified to

    software in order to isolate the issues and verify their source. Support

    will not

    cannot be provided if the 3rd party tools are not disabled.

Client Requirements

DPOD's Web Console requires the following for administration and end-users:
