Table of Contents |
Device CPU Report
Devices ordered by average CPU
Available Filters:
- Time Range
- Device
Total row: displays the total number of samples used in the report across all devices documented.
Output fields:
*Device, Samples, Average CPU (%), Maximum CPU (%)
Domain Request Size Report
Domains ordered by total request size
Output fields: Domain, Transactions, Total Request Size (bytes)
Domain Total Transactions Report
Domains ordered by total number of transactions
Output fields: Domain, Transactions
Service Elapsed Time Report
Services ordered by average elapsed time
Output fields: Service, Transactions, Average Time (ms), Maximum Time (ms)
Service Memory Report
Services ordered by average consumed memory
Output fields: Service, Samples, Average Memory (KB), Maximum Memory (KB)
Service Total Errors Report
Services ordered by total number of erroneous transactions
Output fields: Device, Service, Errors
Service Total Successful Transactions Report
Services ordered by total number of successful transactions
Output fields:Message, Count, Device, Category, Severity, Message, Time
Service Total Transactions Report
Services ordered by total number of transactions
Output fields: Service, Transactions
System Errors Report
Critical system error messages
Output fields: Message, Count,
Service List Report
Detailed Service List
Output fields: FE Request Queue, BE Request Queue, FE Service Name, FE Protocol, FE Port, BE Qmgr Name, FE URI, FE Address, Domain, FE Qmgr Name, Device, BE Response to Queue, Service Name, FE SOAP version, BE Protocol, FE Response to
Queue, BE URI, BE Service Type, BE Port, FE QMGR Group, BE Address
URI Detailed Latency Report
Detailed URI Latency Report
Output fields: Elapsed Time (ms), Device, Service URI, Domain
URI Summary Latency Report
URI Request Summary Latency List
Output fields: URI, Total Transactions, 90% Percentile(ms), 95% Percentile(ms), 99% Percentile(ms), Average Time (ms), Minimum Time (ms), Maximum Time (ms),
Executed Transactions Report
List of all executed transactions
Output fields: Time, Transaction ID, Client IP, Device, Domain, Service Name
Device Resources Report
All device resources samples
Output fields: Total Installed Memory, Used Memory (%), Sample Time, System Load. Used CPU (%), Device Name
Message Codes Count Report
Message codes distribution
Output fields: key, doc_count, key, doc_count
Service Average Latency Report
Average latency report per services
Output fields: Service Name, Executions, Avg Front-End Request - Network Latency (ms.), Avg Front-End Response - Network Latency (ms.), Avg Gateway Response Latency (ms.), Avg Service Elapsed Time (ms.), Avg Back-End Request - Network
Latency (ms.), Avg Gateway Request Latency (ms.), Avg Back-End Response - Network Latency (ms.), Avg Backend Elapsed (ms.)
Service Average Request Size
Average request size per service
Output fields: Service Name, Executions, Average Request Size (bytes)
Transactions Above Elapsed Time
Transactions with elapsed time greater or equals to a threshold
Output fields: Elapsed (ms.), Time, Transaction ID, Client IP, Device Name, Service Name, Global Transaction ID, Domain Name