- Verify that the current system time is within the maintenance window timeframe defined for the plan.
- Verify that both source and target devices' firmware levels are above
- If a deployment policy was specified in the sync activity definition - make sure it exists
- If a deployment policy variables object was specified in the sync activity definition - make sure it exists
- Check that the source and target device type match (IDG > XB-62 > XI-52 > XG-45) - you can turn off this check in the sync activity definition
- Check that the source device major firmware level is lower or equal to the target device major firmware level - you can turn off this check in the sync activity definition
- Check that the target device contains the same licenses/features of the source device (e.g. B2B, SQL-ODBC, Tibco-ESM) - you can turn off this check in the sync activity definition
- <about passwords>
- Export the source domain's configuration
- If pre-quiesce was requested - check that the domain is not already quiesced
- Run the user's pre-script (if requested in the activity), the task will stop if the script return value is larger than 0
- Issue a Quiesce domain/device SOMA (if requested in the activity)
- Wait for the device or domain to finish quiescing. A timeout value may be specified for the Quiesce SOMA (see Configurable Parameters and Settings),
DPOD will cancel the task if the domain(s) are not yet quiesced 3 minutes after the specified timeout, and will issue an Unquiesce SOMA - Perform an Import Dry-run to try and detect any errors before the actual Import
- Delete objects on the target domain (DPOD does not use "reset domain" so the passwords on the target domains will not be deleted) -
The following object types will be deleted:WSGateway
WebSphereJMSServer Import the configuration into the target domain
- Save config on the target domain
- Unquiesce the device/domain (if it was previously quiesced by this task)
- Wait for the device/domain to unquiesce. A timeout value may be specified for this operation. 3 minutes after the timeout, DPOD will stop waiting for the unquiesce operation and will fail the task (the device's unquiesce operation will not be interrupted though)
- Run the user's post-task script (if requested in the activity)
When all the plan's tasks completed execution, the post-plan script will be executed (if requested in the plan settings)