Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This procedure is intended for users wants who want to migrate from one DPOD installation to another for the following scenarios:

  • Migration from DPOD Appliance mode installation version v1.0.0 with CentOS 6.7 to CentOS 7.2 introduced at version v1.0.2+.
  • Migration from DPOD on a virtual server to physical server (for example : e.g when load increased and requires a physical server based installation).
  • Migration from DPOD Appliance to Non-Appliance mode (RHEL) to better comply with their the organization's technical / security requirements and standards.


The procedure includes the following main steps :

  • Gather needed required artifacts from current (migrate from) DPOD installation.
  • Install new DPOD "clean" installation.
  • Import artifacts to the new DPOD installation.


We highly recommend to contact DPOD support during the planing of migration in order to verify the technical procedure.



Required Artifacts from Source System

Application Files and Internal DB


The output backup directory will be the location of the backup log as printed in the backup status message (in the current example above this is /installs/system-backup/full-backup-2017-09-11_17-17-59 ).

Copy the backup directory to a temporary location outside the current DPOD system.

Services Files

DPOD's services service files are located in directory the /etc/init.d directory

The services service files will not be migrated to the new system because they are not compatible with the new OS version.

If the user altered manually one of the services service files manually, it is the user their responsibility to migrate these changes to the new services service files.

User Custom Artifacts


If the user is using any custom artifacts which are NOT located in one of the system builtin locations, it is the customer's responsibility to migrate these artifacts from the current system to the new one.

example for Examples of custom artifacts can be include custom key stores used for DPOD SSL client authentication.


Install new System

Install a new DPOD installation system using version ISO file and apply needed updates (fix) in order for the the current system and the new system to have the same DPOD version.


The current transactions data is store stored in the BigData store located on the OS mount point /data .


It is not mandatory to migrate the current transaction data to the new system.

Not migrating the transaction data means loosing losing current transaction data!


For migrating To migrate the current transactions data to the new system please follow the procedure below.

If you choose NOT to migrate transaction data (only configuration data) skip to "Create Staging Directory"


All technical name names in the following section are used in DPOD Appliance mode installation.

If the user installation is Non Appliance RHEL installation the technical name may be different (based on the organizational standard). Please contact your system administrator.


  • Stop the application services using the Main Admin Menu CLI (option 2 "stop all" )
  • un-mount the /data mount point

    Code Block
    umount /data

  • Mark the volume group as non active

    Code Block
    vgchange -an vg_data
    output : 0 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_data" now active

  • Export the volume group

    Code Block
    vgexport vg_data
    output : Volume group "vg_data" successfully exported

  • Comment /data mount point in OS FS table

    Comment the following line in /etc/fstab

    Code Block
    #/dev/mapper/vg_data-lv_data /data                   ext4    defaults        1 2

Disconnect the Data Disk and Connect to the New System

Stop The System

shutdown the server (virtual / physical ) using the command

Code Block
shutdown -h 0

Virtual Environment

Copy the Virtual Data Disk From the Current VM
  • Edit the current virtual machine settings
  • Locate the data disk (hard drive number 3)
  • It is recommended to copy the data disk vmdk file to the new system directory (we recommend NOT to move the vmdk file but copy it, in order to keep retain a fallback option if in case of an issue will be raised during migration).

Edit the New System OS FS table


Code Block
From : /dev/mapper/vg_data-lv_data /data                   xfs     defaults        0 0
To   : /dev/mapper/vg_data_old-lv_data /data                   xfs     defaults        0 0

Rename /data LVM volume Group


  • Configure the virtual disk to on the new system by adding a new hard drive and choosing existing

  • Start the new VM
Configure the New Disk
  • Make sure the new exported volume group (LVM vg) and physical volume (LVM pv) are recognized by the OS


  • Verify the data volume group status

    Code Block
    vgdisplay vg_data
    output :
       --- Volume group ---
      VG Name               vg_data
      System ID
      Format                lvm2
      Metadata Areas        1
      Metadata Sequence No  4
      VG Access             read/write
      VG Status             resizable
      MAX LV                0
      Cur LV                1
      Open LV               0
      Max PV                0
      Cur PV                1
      Act PV                1
      VG Size               101.97 GiB
      PE Size               32.00 MiB
      Total PE              3263
      Alloc PE / Size       3263 / 101.97 GiB
      Free  PE / Size       0 / 0
      VG UUID               4vIe7h-qqLR-6qEa-aRID-dU8w-U5E2-gV7FoJ

Add the new mount point to the OS FS table
  • Configure the /data mount point to the OS FS table by adding the following line

Code Block
/dev/mapper/vg_data-lv_data /data                   ext4     defaults        1 2

  • Comment out the following line

    Code Block
    #/dev/mapper/vg_data_old-lv_data /data                   xfs     defaults        0 0

  • Restart the system

    Code Block

  • Make sure Ensure the /data mount point is mounted using vg_data volume group

    Code Block
    df -h
    output :
    Filesystem                       Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_root      4.0G  1.6G  2.5G  39% /
    devtmpfs                         7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /dev
    tmpfs                            7.9G   56K  7.9G   1% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                            7.9G  9.1M  7.9G   1% /run
    tmpfs                            7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    /dev/sda1                        2.0G  101M  1.8G   6% /boot
    /dev/mapper/vg_data-lv_data      101G   81M   96G   1% /data
    /dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_var       4.0G  109M  3.9G   3% /var
    /dev/mapper/vg_logs-lv_logs       11G   44M   11G   1% /logs
    /dev/mapper/vg_shared-lv_shared  509M   26M  483M   6% /shared
    /dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_tmp       2.0G  726M  1.3G  36% /tmp
    /dev/mapper/vg_inst-lv_inst      7.0G  2.8G  4.3G  40% /installs
    /dev/mapper/vg_app-lv_app        7.0G  1.4G  5.7G  20% /app
    /dev/mapper/vg_apptmp-lv_apptmp  4.0G   33M  4.0G   1% /app/tmp
    tmpfs                            1.6G     0  1.6G   0% /run/user/0

  • Start the application services using the Main Admin Menu CLI (option 1 "start all" )
Verify The Application Is Working Properly

Login to DPOD's WebUI and use the "Internal Health" screens to verify all components are up and running.


  • Mark the volume group as non active

    Code Block
    vgchange -an vg_data_old
    output : 0 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_data_old" now active

  • Export the volume group

    Code Block
    vgexport vg_data_old
    output : Volume group "vg_data_old" successfully exported

  • Shut down the new system

    Code Block
    shutdown -h 0

  • Remove the unused virtual disk from the VM (should be the 3rd virtual hard drive )


Verify The Application Is Working Properly

Login to DPOD's WebUI and use the "Internal Health" screens to verify all components are up and running.

Physical Environment

When using a physical environment the data disk can be either local storage (usually SSD) or a remote central storage (SAN)

In both cases the procedure is similar to the one used for the virtual environment with the difference that on . However, on a physical server the local / remote storage should be psychically physically moved to the  the new server.

  • Edit the New System's OS FS table
  • Rename the /data LVM volume Group
  • Configure New Diska new disk
  • Add the new mount point to the OS FS table
  • Verify The Application Is Working Properlythe application is working properly

Creating Staging Directory
Creating Staging Directory
Create Staging Directory

Create a staging directory on the new system 


-d : the restore source backup directory. in In the example below this is /installs/system-backup/system-migration/full-backup-2017-09-13_22-38-56

-f : the source backup file in the backup directory. in In the example below this is full-backup-2017-09-13_22-38-56.tar.gz


Copy the backup directory from the source system to the staging directory (not needed required if copied during internal DB restore)


-d : the restore source backup directory. in In the example below this is /installs/system-backup/system-migration/full-backup-2017-09-13_22-38-56

-f : the source backup file in the backup directory. in In the example below this is full-backup-2017-09-13_22-38-56.tar.gz


Code Block
themeRDark -t app -d /installs/system-backup/system-migration/full-backup-2017-09-13_22-38-56 -f full-backup-2017-09-13_22-38-56.tar.gz

stopping application ...
application stopped successfully.
starting restore process ...
restoring system files ...
making sure files to restore exist in backup file
files to restore exist in backup file
system restore was successful
for more information see log file /installs/system-backup/app-restore-2017-09-17_15-04-19.log

Change the Agent's IP Address

This section is applicable only if the agent's IP address on the new DPOD system is different than to the current IP address. In most of the installations the agent's IP address is identical to DPOD's server IP address

If the new DPOD system has a different IP address to the current one, the user must change the "Agent IP" in the nodes management screen :


In order to reconfigure the Store configuration file based on the data disk size foloow follow the section "Update the Store Configuration File" in the "Increase DPOD's Store Space" procedure.


Login to DPOD WebUI and use the "Internal Health" screens to verify all components are up and running.

Make sure you see the new transaction data from the monitored devices is visible using the "Investigate" screen
