The script parameters are :
Operation | Purpose |
-i, --idg-ip |
IDG xml management interface IP address or host name | |
-p, --idg-port |
IDG xml management interface port | |
-u, --idg- |
user | IDG xml management interface user name |
-s, --idg-pass |
IDG xml management interface user password |
The script backup directory and log file will be displayed in a message at the end of execution
example of the script execution :
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
app_idg_pre_conf_bck.sh -i -p 5550 -u admin -s 123456 |
Removing DPOD configuration and restoring IDG objects based on the backup information
In order to remove DPOD configuration from IDG monitored device use the script app_idg_pre_conf_restore.sh located in the directory /app/scripts.
The script will restore the following IDG objects configuration based on the backup file :
- XML management interface
- WS-M agent configuration
- Certificate monitor
Farther more, the script will remove the following DPOD related configuration:
- DPOD related host aliases
- DPOD log targets
- DPOD log category
- Disable statistics
- Remove two XSLT files deployed by DPOD to store directory
The script parameters are :
Operation | Purpose |
-i, --idg-ip | IDG xml management interface IP address or host name |
-p, --idg-port | IDG xml management interface port |
-u, --idg-user | View DPOD system services status (running/stopped) |
Start Service | Start DPOD system services. |
Stop Service | Stop DPOD system services. |
MustGather | Create and export DPOD MustGather logs. In order to run the command see following link |
Reboot Device | Restart the DPOD device (physical or VM) |
Shutdown Device | Shutdown the DPOD device (physical or VM) |
Upgrade/Update | Upgrade the DPOD installation to a newer version. |
Exit | Exit the CLI |
The script backup directory and log file will be displayed in a message at the end of execution
IDG xml management interface user name | |
-s, --idg-pass | IDG xml management interface user password |
-d, --backup-dirĀ | source backup directory |
Since the original backed up configuration might have changed between the period of the backup and the restore,
the script will display the backup data and will give the user the opportunity to change the configuration to restore.