Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Field NameDescriptionPossible values
serviceTypeService type as defined in DataPowermpgw,wsp,xml-firewall,b2bgw
transactionGlobalIdDataPower global transaction ID (GTID)26 chars long
transactionIdDataPower transaction ID (TID)long number
srcNodeNameDPOD node name the capture the transaction
domainNameDataPower domain name where transaction executedString
deviceNamedatapower system nameString

timeYearOnlyYear when transaction startedformat YYYY
timeMonthNumMonth number when transaction started1-12
timeDayDay when transaction started1-31
timeHHMMSSFull time when transaction started

format HHMMSS where

HH- 00-23

MM- 00-59

SS- 00-59

timeHourHour when transaction started00-23
timeMinuteMinute when transaction started0-59
timeSecondSecond when transaction started00-59

Microsecond when transaction started

timeZonetime zone when transaction startedformat +ZZZZ
timeInMiltransaction start time in Epoch in millislong number

transaction start time in Epoch in microseconds

timeDayInYearNumber represents day in year1-365
timeSecondInDayNumber of a second in the Day when transactio started0-86399
timeMinuteInDayNumber of a minute in the Day when transactio started0-3599
timeDayInWeekNumber represents day in a week1-7. 1- Sunday, 7-Saturday.
microSecTimestampTimestamp format of the time transaction startedYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSS+ZZZZ

aggRecordVersionEstimated FW version of DataPower that executed transaction. Internal useString
technicalServiceNameService Name. in WSP we currently not providin operation nameString

technicalErrorMessageError message. Only avail if transaction finished with errorString
isTechnicalErrorIndication if transaction ended with errorstrue/false
aggErrorCodeError Code in DataPowerString
messagethe Syslog line that DPOD assume most reflect the error causeString

aggIndTXErrorIndication that information on error transaction arrivedtrue/false
aggIndTXFinishedIndication that information on transaction end arrivedtrue/false
aggIndTXStartedIndication that information on starting transaction arrivedtrue/false
aggFirstTxOfGtxIndication if this is the first transaction in case there might be following transaction with the same GTIDtrue/false

microSecTimestampFinishInternal uselong
aggUuidGtidEpochSecondsInternal uselong
docAddedTimeInMilInternal uselong
WDPTutXUuidGtidTidInternal uselong
WDPTutXUuidGtidDeviceIdInternal useString
aggUuidGtidTimstInternal useString
microSecTimestampStart Internal useString

 JSON example:{

Code Block
titleJSON Example
"_index" : "logical-tran-compact_i1",


"_type" : "wdpLogicalTrans",


"_id" : "802d48ad5976a98f00080cc4_527556",


"_timestamp" : "2017-07-25T02:15:23.279Z",


"_version" : 4,


"_operation" : "INDEX",


"_source" : {


"serviceType" : "mpgw",


"timeDayInYear" : "206",


"transactionGlobalId" : "802d48ad5976a98f00080cc4",


"timeDayInWeek" : "2",


"microSecTimestampStart" : "2017-07-25T05:14:39.570000+0000",


"timeHHMMSS" : "05:14:39",


"aggUuidGtidTimst" : "2017-07-25 02:14:39",


"aggFirstTxOfGtx" : "true",


"aggIndTXStarted" : "true",


"deviceName" : "idg7600",


"timeSecond" : "39",


"aggUuidGtidEpochSeconds" : "1500948879",


"timeSecondInDay" : "18879",


"timeMinuteInDay" : "314",


"timeYearOnly" : "2017",


"timeInMicroSec" : "1500948879569000",


"srcNodeName" : "NODE0",


"timeDay" : "25",


"microSecTimestamp" : "2017-07-25T05:14:39.569000+0000",


"WDPTutXUuidGtidDeviceId" : "802d48ad",


"timeInMil" : "1500948879569",


"timeZone" : "+0000",


"transactionId" : "527556",


"timeMinute" : "14",


"timeMonthNum" : "07",


"domainName" : "APIMgmt_ACB198F9A6",


"timeMicroSec" : "569000",


"timeHour" : "05",


"WDPTutXUuidGtidTid" : "00080cc4",


"aggRecordVersion" : "",


"technicalServiceName" : "GetDeliveryStatus_MHJV.MPGW",


"docAddedTimeInMil" : "1500948882966",


"technicalErrorMessage" : "Invalid JSON format",


"isTechnicalError" : "1",


"aggErrorCode" : "0x02130008",


"message" : "<11>2017-07-25T05:14:39.570000+0000 MonTierLocalId-8 [0x02130008][mpgw][error] mpgw(GetDeliveryStatus_MHJV.MPGW): trans(527556)[error][] gtid(802d48ad5976a98f00080cc4): Invalid JSON format\r",


"aggIndTXError" : "true",


"microSecTimestampFinish" : "2017-07-25T05:14:39.573000+0000",


"aggIndTXFinished" : "true"





Feature enablement

To enable this feature 3 steps are required: 
