dpod_ldap_method | Should be "user_attribute" (for scenario A) or "group_attribute" (for scenario B). |
test_user | The username of a user for testing e,g, "adminford" |
test_user_password | The password of a user for testing e.g. "pass123" |
connectionURL | Primary LDAP server URL. Use ldap:// prefix for non-SSL connection and ldaps:// prefix for SSL connection. e.g. "ldap://" |
alternateURL | Alternate LDAP server URL. Use ldap:// prefix for non-SSL connection and ldaps:// prefix for SSL connection. e.g. "ldap://" |
referrals | Follow or ignore LDAP referrals (follow/ignore) |
connectionName | Query user distinguished name (DN) e.g. "cn=LDAP Query User,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org" |
connectionPassword | Query user password This password will be encrypted in the configuration file e.g. "pass123" |
userBase | User base entry e.g. "ou=people,dc=example,dc=org" |
userSubtree | User query sub-tree (true/false) e.g. "true" |
userSearch | User search filter Operators (e.g. "&") are escaped (e.g. "&") {0} - a placeholder for the user name entered in the login screen e.g. "(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName={0}))" |
userRoleName | For scenario A only |
roleBase | For scenario B only |
roleSubtree | For scenario B only Role query sub-tree (true/false) e.g. "true" |
roleSearch | For scenario B only Group search filter Operators (e.g. "&") are escaped (e.g. "&") {0} - a placeholder for the full DN of the authenticated user {1} - a placeholder for the user name of the authenticated user e.g. "(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(uniqueMember={0}))" |
roleNested | For scenario B only Nested groups (true/false) e.g. "true" |
roleName | For scenario B only |
LDAPConnectionURL | Primary LDAP server URL. Use ldap:// prefix for non-SSL connection and ldaps:// prefix for SSL connection. |
LDAPReferral | Follow or ignore LDAP referrals (follow/ignore) |
LDAPConnectionName | Query user distinguished name (DN) e.g. "cn=LDAP Query User,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org" (identical to connectionName property) |
LDAPConnectionPASSWORD | Query user password |
LDAPUserBaseEntry | User base entry e.g. "ou=people,dc=example,dc=org" (identical to userBase property) |
LDAPUserSearchFilter | User search filter |
LDAPGroupBaseEntry | Group base entry |
LDAPGroupSearchFilter | Group search filter |
LDAPGroupNameAttribute | Group entry name attribute name |
Testing LDAP Configuration