Changes to Gateway Objects
The product requires some changes to configuration on a device and domain levels - such syslog target and more.
As for the service level only the optional feature of Extended Transaction requires instrumentation .
To see the full list of changes please look at this table
WS-M does not capture Multi Protocol Gateway services payloads
At present, monitored devices do not report the front end response payload size. Nor do they report on the backend request and response.
Known workarounds: None. Resolve this issue is part of product Roadmap.
Limitation on the number of domains to be monitored on a single gateway
From 7.5.X it might support up to 500 - (Perior IDG currently has a limit of 256 Syslog log targets per instance.)
By default each domain will have 2 syslog target defined by IDG.
Since DPOD currently adds another 2 log targets for each monitored domain, and 1 for default domain,
Customer will also have its own log target to other system (like Security tools)
So Number of domain is Equals to : {500 -[Number of Existing Domains * 2] - [Customer predefined syslog targets] }/ 2
DPOD can monitor up to 125 domains, if no other Syslog log targets are defined on that device.
Known workarounds: Customer encouraged to move some of its domains to another device.
B2B support is limited
At present, B2B has the most important features supported such transaction (IDG term) aggregation . Still Configuration sampling and specific filtering in dashbaoards are part of the current version.
Known workarounds: None. Resolve this issue is part of the product roadmap
Callacble rule invocation appears as a seperated transaction
At present, monitored devices do not report the front end response payload size. Nor do they report on the backend request and response.
Known workarounds: None. Resolve this issue is part of product roadmap
Error is not displayed in "Extended transactions"
The extended transaction is the only feature of DPOD that involves instrumentation of XSLT transformation to the Web Service Proxy policy (request / response and error rules).
The instrumentation is integrated by the system only when initiated by the system administrator and not by default.
when an error is being raised but the service (WS-Proxy) the following situation are possible :
- No error rule in the service that the error is being raised on and previous services are configured with "Process HTTP errors = on"
Since there is no error rule, an extended transaction log record is not being generated and there for the error is not displayed in "extend transactions" screen.
The extended transaction will look similar to the following (you can see that one record is missing) :
- No error rule in the service that the error is being raised on but previous services do have error rule configured
Since there is no error rule, an extended transaction log record is not being generated and there for the error is not displayed in "extend transactions" screen.
Previous services do have error rule so the "extend transactions" screen will look similar to the following :
- The Extended transaction is not supporting APIC / APIM. You must NOT run it in API-C / API-M Domains
- In some cases the Extended transaction is not deployed on MPG services because of the diversity of configuration in this services. Customer encorage to open a PMR and provide the service configuration - so this cases can be aligned.
No support for DHCP
No support for DHCP network condiguration. Please reffer to Change Appliance Network Address
Known workarounds: None.