DPOD serve as database and should have, as such, very fast disks otherwise it will impact the delay of time between the transaction and its display on logs creation and the time it appears on dashboards.
For Physical HW installation installation we recommed the following
RAID5 - 40GB - for OS disk
RAID5 - 40GB - for App disk
RAID0 - Depends on volume - for Data disk. Since data is only used
Network Requirements
DPOD requires at least one network interface for accessing DPOD's User Interface and communications with DataPower Management Interface.
Virtualization Software (supported configuration only)
VMWare ESX 5.X 1 + - example of guided preparation Dev environment for Vmware workstation
Hyper V
VirtualBox 5.x+ example of guided preparation Dev environment for VirtualBox workstation
todo hk - are the stars relevant here - also what are those examples?
Required Software
VMware Player
VMware vSphere ESXi
VMware Workstation
Utility Software for Administrators
An SSH client to connect to DPOD appliance once installed. E.g http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.htmlA WinSCP-like software
An FTP Client software to upload/edit files in the appliance when required . For example: https://winscp .net/eng/download.php