Code Block | ||||
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vi /app/ui/MonTier-UI/conf/server.xml |
todo: HK montier-ui?
Disabling DB registry
DPOD is set up by default with the internal database user management option. To use LDAP, you will first have to disable the DB registry
To do that, comment out the DataSourceRealm element (see below)
Run the following command (Replace <CLEAR-TEXT-PASSWORD> with your password): todo:HK montier-ui
Code Block language bash theme RDark java -cp "/app/ui/MonTier-UI/lib/*:/app/ui/MonTier-UI/bin/*" org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase -a SHA1 <CLEAR-TEXT-PASSWORD> or /app/ui/MonTier-UI/bin/digest.sh -a SHA1 <CLEAR-TEXT-PASSWORD>
The system will create an encrypted password and display the result in the following format:
Modify the JNDIRealm XML element (this is the element discussed above)
Code Block language bash theme RDark <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" ... connectionPassword="<ENCRYPTED-PASSWORD>" digest="MD5" ... />