Versions Compared


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WAITING_FOR_PRE_VALIDATIONThe task was entered into the execution queue, it was not yet validated or checked, and eventually may not get executed
SKIPPED_APIC_DOMAINThe task will not execute - cannot sync API Connect domain
SKIPPED_SOURCE_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe task will not execute - the source device specified in the activity does not exist
SKIPPED_SOURCE_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLEThe task will not execute - the source device was not available
SKIPPED_TARGET_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe task will not execute - the target device specified in the activity does not exist
SKIPPED_TARGET_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLEThe task will not execute - the target device was not available
SKIPPED_NO_DEVICES_MATCHING_PATTERNThe task will not execute - no devices are matching the pattern specified in the activity
SKIPPED_NO_DOMAINS_FOUND_IN_SOURCE_DEVICEThe task will not execute - no domains are matching the pattern specified in the activity

The task will not execute - the specified domain exists in the source device but not in the target device


DPOD does not create domains on the target devices, it is your responsibility to create them

SKIPPED_DOMAIN_WAS_NOT_CHANGEDThe task will not execute - For scheduled plans - no changes were found in the source domain since the last time it was synced to the target domain
Interim status - DPOD is validating the task
ERROR_DEVICE_FIRMWARE_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe task will not execute - sync is supported only when the source and target devices' firmware level is high or equal to
ERROR_DEVICE_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLEThe task will not execute - sync is possible only from lower to higher device type XG-45 < XI-52 < XB-62 < IDG 
You can turn this check off in the sync activity definition

The task will not execute - sync is possible only from lower major firmware level to an equal or higher firmware level (e.g. 7.2.0.X to 7.2.0.X and higher)
You can turn this check off in the sync activity definition

ERROR_TARGET_MISSING_FEATURESThe task will not execute - the target device is missing features/licenses found in the source device (e.g. B2B, SQL-ODBC, Tibco-ESM) 
You can turn this check off in the sync activity definition
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE_TYPEThe task will not execute - only the following device types are supported: IDG, XB-62, XI-52, XG-45
ERROR_DEPLOYMENT_POLICY_WAS_NOT_FOUND_IN_SOURCE_DOMAINThe task will not execute - the deployment policy that was specified in the sync activity definition was not found in the source domain
ERROR_DEPLOYMENT_POLICY_WAS_NOT_FOUND_IN_TARGET_DOMAINThe task will not execute - the deployment policy that was specified in the sync activity definition was not found in the target domain
ERROR_DEPLOYMENT_POLICY_VARIABLES_WAS_NOT_FOUND_IN_TARGET_DOMAINThe task will not execute - the deployment policy variables object that was specified in the sync activity definition was not found in the target domain
ERROR_NEEDS_USER_APPROVAL_TO_CREATE_TEST_OBJECTSThe task will not execute - for firmware levels above, DPOD will try to check if the passphrase is identical in source and target devices, in order to perform this check, DPOD will need to create a temporary password map object in the source domain, you will need to approve this object creation in the sync activity definition
ERROR_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_PASSPHRASE_ARE_DIFFERENTThe task will not execute - the source and target passphrases are different
PLAN_FAILED_PRE_SCRIPTThe task will not execute - the pre-plan script returned with a return code greater than 0
The task will not execute - Another task failed and specified Error Policy = Fail (See Maintenance Concepts to learn more about Error Policies)
READY_FOR_EXECUTIONInterim status - the task passed all validation, it is queued and will be executed in the next minute, or is waiting for other tasks to finish executing first.
WAITING_FOR_EXPORT_TASKInterim status - the import task to the target domain is waiting for the export task from the source domain to finish executing
ALL_DEPENDENT_IMPORT_TASKS_SKIPPEDThe export task was skipped - no import tasks are waiting for the export (for example, because the target devices were not available)
EXECUTION_CANCELED_BECAUSE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOWThe task was not executed - the current time is not within the maintenance window (see Maintenance Concepts for more information about the maintenance window), the maintenance window is checked for all execution types - schedules, ad-hoc via the UI and via the REST API
Interim status - the task is executing
EXECUTION_PRE_CHECKS_DOMAIN_IS_ALREADY_QUIESCEDTask failed - quiesce domain requested but the domain was already quiesced
EXECUTION_PRE_CHECKS_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLETask failed - the DataPower device was not available
EXECUTION_WAITING_FOR_PRE_SCRIPTWaiting for the user pre script to execute
EXECUTION_PRE_SCRIPT_ERRORTask failed - the user pre task script return code was larger than 0, the post task script will still be executed (if specified)
EXECUTION_EXPORT_DOMAIN_STARTEDInterim status - exporting data from the source domain
EXECUTION_EXPORT_DOMAIN_SOMA_ERRORTask failed - the export domain SOMA returned an error
EXECUTION_EXPORT_DOMAIN_RETURNED_EMPTY_FILETask failed - the export domain SOMA returned an empty export file
EXECUTION_QUIESCE_STARTEDQuiesce domain/device started
EXECUTION_QUIESCE_WAITING_FOR_QUIESCEWaiting for the device or domain to quiesce
EXECUTION_QUIESCE_TIMEOUT_OCCUREDOCCURREDA timeout occurred while waiting for the device or domain to quiesce, the timeout can be configured -  see Configurable Parameters and Settings 
(DPOD will add 3 minutes to the specified timeout)
EXECUTION_IMPORT_DOMAIN_DRY_RUN_STARTEDInterim status - importing to the target domain started, this is a dry-run import and WILL NOT change any data in the target domain.
EXECUTION_IMPORT_DOMAIN_DRY_RUN_UNSUCCESSFULTask failed - the import dry run returned an error
EXECUTION_IMPORT_DELETE_TARGET_OBJECTS_STARTEDInterim status - DPOD started to delete objects from the target domain
EXECUTION_IMPORT_DELETE_TARGET_OBJECTS_SOMA_ERRORTask failed - the delete objects SOMA returned an error
EXECUTION_IMPORT_DELETE_TARGET_OBJECTS_UNSUCCESSFULTask failed - could not delete one or more objects from the target domain
EXECUTION_IMPORT_DOMAIN_STARTEDInterim status - importing configuration to the target domain started

Task failed - the import SOMA returned an error


NOTE: the target domain's objects were deleted, DPOD does not restore it to the previous state


This error may indicate that the target device is under heavy load and cannot handle the import SOMA, if no transactions are running on the device, this may happen when multiple sync tasks are running in parallel.
Try to disable the "run in parallel" option in the sync plan or try again later



Task failed - the domain may or may not have been synced, DPOD could not issue the Save Configuration SOMA to the target device.Check the target domain status manually and save the configuration manually.
Unquiesce domain/device started
Waiting for domain/device to unquiesce
A timeout occurred while waiting for the device or domain to unquiesce, the timeout can be configured -  see Configurable Parameters and Settings (DPOD will add 3 minutes to the specified timeout)
EXECUTION_WAITING_FOR_POST_SCRIPTWaiting for the user post script to execute

