3. You are expected to have an Active/Passive software or another mechanism in place to identify when DPOD server node becomes inactive and launch a new one in an active cluster member.
- As the passive DPOD server has node has the same IP, all DataPower appliances will be able to access it.
- Since all DataPower appliances will have the same IP addresses - DPOD can continue to sample them.
- Since the passive DPOD server has node has the same IP address as the primary one, access to DPOD console will be with the same URL.
- The customer has DataPower appliances deployed using either an Active/Passive or Active/Stand-by configuration. All DataPower appliances in any of these configurations have unique IP addresses.
- DPOD server is node is installed once and is configured to monitor all DataPower appliances (active, standby and passive).
- All DPOD network services (NTP, SMTP, LDAP etc.) have the same IP addresses even after failover (otherwise a post configuration script is required to be run by the DR software).
- The customer has storage replication capabilities to replicate DPOD disks based on the disks’ replication policy described above.
- The customer has a 3rd party software tool or scripts that can:
- Identify unavailability of the primary DPOD servernode.
- Launch a passive DPOD server node using a different IP address than the primary one (usually on a different physical hardware).
6. The passive DPOD server node is not running when business is as usual, since disks replication is required.
DPOD will be available in the following way:
- Although the passive secondary DPOD server node has a different IP address, all the DataPower appliances will still be able to access it since their internal host aliases pointing to DPOD will be replaced (step 5 above).
- As all DataPower appliances retain the same IP addresses - the passive DPOD server that was just became active can continue to sample them.
- Although the passive DPOD server secondary DPOD node has a different IP, all users can access DPOD’s web console because its DNS name has been changed or it is behind an NLB (step 4 above).