Versions Compared


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Primary Node - A DPOD installation that actively monitors DataPower instances under normal circumstances (Active state).

Secondary Node - An A DPOD installation, identical to the Primary Node (In virtualized environments shared storage scenario it is the same image as the primary node) - that is in DR Standby or Inactive state.


  1. The customer has DataPower appliances deployed using either an Active/Passive, Active/Active or Active/Stand-by configuration. All DataPower appliances in any of these configurations have unique IP addresses.
  2. Two DPOD nodes are installed (both are v1.0.5.0+), both running in Active state. 
  3. Both DPOD nodes must have different environment names. The environment name is set by the customer during DPOD software deployment, and is visible at the top navigation bar (circled in red in the image below):.
  4. Both DPOD nodes are configured separately to monitor all DataPower Devices (active, standby and passive). Starting with DPOD v1.0.5.0 a new REST API may be utilized to add a new DataPower device to DPOD without using the UI (see Devices REST API). As both nodes are up, no configuration replication can exist in this scenario.
  5. As both nodes are up, no data replication can exist in this scenario. The customer is expected to configure each DPOD node as a standalone deployment, including all system parameters, security groups / roles/ LDAP parameters / Certificates, custom reports and reports scheduling, custom alerts and alerts scheduling, maintenance plan and user preferences. DPOD is not performing any configuration synchronization.
  6. Importantly, the customer must add DataPower instances to each installation to monitor all DataPower Devices (active, standby and passive). Starting with DPOD v1.0.5, a new REST API may be utilized to add a new DataPower device to DPOD without using the UI (see Devices REST API). The customer must add DataPower instances to the standby DPOD node and set the agents for each device from the Device Management page in the web console (or by using the Devices REST API). Setting up the devices in the standby DPOD node will not make any changes to the monitored DataPower devices (no log targets, host aliases or configuration changes will be made).
  7. All DPOD network services (NTP, SMTP, LDAP etc.) have the same IP addresses.
  8. The customer added DataPower devices to the standby DPOD node and set the agents for each device from the Device Management page in the web console (or by using the Devices REST API). The customer is expected to replicate all configurations and definitions for each installation. DPOD replicates neither data nor configurations/definitions.
  9. Important!Since the two installations are completely independent and no data is replicated - data inconsistency may follow, as one may capture information while the other is in Down state for maintenance or even started in different time. This might affect reports and alerts.
  10. Important! - Each DPOD installation will create 2 log targets for each domain. If one DataPower is connected to 2 DPODs - then for each domain you will need 4 log targets. As DataPower have a limitation of ~1000 log targets starting FW 7.6, the customer must take care to not reach the log targets limit.
  11. All logs and information will be sent twice over the network thus network bandwidth will be doubled !
