The feature is responisble for sending syslog record for each datapower transaction.
In v1.0.5 a new feature was introduced that send syslog record for each datapower a tech preview ,
This syslog record is a json formatted data object the consist of information aggregated from several sources on the transaction.
- Feature assist customers to easily show datapower information on their APMs or log aggregator such IBM APMs , Splunk or ELK without being exposed to changes in DataPower log structure.
- Customer can also add a link to redirect from each transaction into DPOD details transaction and enhance troubleshooting
- DPOD customer scan externalize DPOD info for Data Warehouse purpose .
- DPOD customers can keep summarize transaction details. This will increase history information time period and will minimize storage requirements.
Transaction Record structure
Field Name | Description | Possible values |
serviceType | Service type as defined in DataPower | mpgw,wsp,xml-firewall,b2bgw |
timeDayInYear | Number represents day in year | 1-365 |
transactionGlobalId | DataPower global transaction ID (GTID) | 26 chars long |
timeDayInWeek | Number represents day in a week | 1-7. 1- Sunday, 7-Saturday. |
microSecTimestampStart | ||
timeHHMMSS | Full time when transaction started | format HHMMSS where HH- 00-23 MM- 00-59 SS- 00-59 |
aggUuidGtidTimst | Internal use | |
aggFirstTxOfGtx | Indication if this is the first transaction in case there might be following transaction with the same GTID | true/false |
aggIndTXStarted | Indication that information on starting transaction arrived | true/false |
deviceName | datapower system name | |
timeSecond | Second when transaction started | |
aggUuidGtidEpochSeconds | Internal use | |
timeSecondInDay | Number of a second in the Day when transactio started | 0-86399 |
timeMinuteInDay | Number of a minute in the Day when transactio started | 0-3599 |
timeYearOnly | Year when transaction started | format YYYY |
timeInMicroSec | transaction start time in Epoch in microseconds | |
srcNodeName | DPOD node name the capture the transaction | |
timeDay | Day when transaction started | 1-31 |
microSecTimestamp | Internal use | |
WDPTutXUuidGtidDeviceId | Internal use | |
timeInMil | transaction start time in Epoch in millis | long number |
timeZone | time zone when transaction started | format +ZZZZ |
transactionId | DataPower transaction ID (TID) | long number |
timeMinute | Minute when transaction started | 0-59 |
timeMonthNum | Month number when transaction started | 1-12 |
domainName | DataPower domain name where transaction executed | String |
timeMicroSec | Microsecond when transaction started | |
timeHour | Hour when transaction started | 00-23 |
WDPTutXUuidGtidTid | ||
aggRecordVersion | ||
technicalServiceName | ||
docAddedTimeInMil | ||
technicalErrorMessage | ||
isTechnicalError | ||
aggErrorCode | ||
message | ||
aggIndTXError | ||
microSecTimestampFinish | ||
aggIndTXFinished | ||