Field Name | Description | Possible values |
serviceType | Service type as defined in DataPower | mpgw,wsp,xml-firewall,b2bgw |
transactionGlobalId | DataPower global transaction ID (GTID) | 26 chars long |
transactionId | DataPower transaction ID (TID) | long number |
srcNodeName | DPOD node name the capture the transaction | |
domainName | DataPower domain name where transaction executed | String |
deviceName | datapower system name | String |
timeYearOnly | Year when transaction started | format YYYY |
timeMonthNum | Month number when transaction started | 1-12 |
timeDay | Day when transaction started | 1-31 |
timeHHMMSS | Full time when transaction started | format HHMMSS where HH- 00-23 MM- 00-59 SS- 00-59 |
timeHour | Hour when transaction started | 00-23 |
timeMinute | Minute when transaction started | 0-59 |
timeSecond | Second when transaction started | 00-59 |
timeMicroSec | Microsecond when transaction started | |
timeZone | time zone when transaction started | format +ZZZZ |
timeInMil | transaction start time in Epoch in millis | long number |
timeInMicroSec | transaction start time in Epoch in microseconds | |
timeDayInYear | Number represents day in year | 1-365 |
timeSecondInDay | Number of a second in the Day when transactio started | 0-86399 |
timeMinuteInDay | Number of a minute in the Day when transactio started | 0-3599 |
timeDayInWeek | Number represents day in a week | 1-7. 1- Sunday, 7-Saturday. |
microSecTimestamp | Timestamp format of the time transaction started | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSS+ZZZZ |
aggRecordVersion | Estimated FW version of DataPower that executed transaction. Internal use | String |
technicalServiceName | Service Name. in WSP we currently not providin operation name | String |
technicalErrorMessage | Error message. Only avail if transaction finished with error | String |
isTechnicalError | Indication if transaction ended with errors | true/false |
aggErrorCode | Error Code in DataPower | String |
message | the Syslog line that DPOD assume most reflect the error cause | String |
aggIndTXError | Indication that information on error transaction arrived | true/false |
aggIndTXFinished | Indication that information on transaction end arrived | true/false |
aggIndTXStarted | Indication that information on starting transaction arrived | true/false |
aggFirstTxOfGtx | Indication if this is the first transaction in case there might be following transaction with the same GTID | true/false |
microSecTimestampFinish | Internal use | long |
aggUuidGtidEpochSeconds | Internal use | long |
docAddedTimeInMil | Internal use | long |
WDPTutXUuidGtidTid | Internal use | long |
WDPTutXUuidGtidDeviceId | Internal use | String |
aggUuidGtidTimst | Internal use | String |
microSecTimestampStart | Internal use | String |
JSON example:{
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
{ "_index" : "logical-tran-compact_i1", |
"_type" : "wdpLogicalTrans", |
"_id" : "802d48ad5976a98f00080cc4_527556", |
"_timestamp" : "2017-07-25T02:15:23.279Z", |
"_version" : 4, |
"_operation" : "INDEX", |
"_source" : { |
"serviceType" : "mpgw", |
"timeDayInYear" : "206", |
"transactionGlobalId" : "802d48ad5976a98f00080cc4", |
"timeDayInWeek" : "2", |
"microSecTimestampStart" : "2017-07-25T05:14:39.570000+0000", |
"timeHHMMSS" : "05:14:39", |
"aggUuidGtidTimst" : "2017-07-25 02:14:39", |
"aggFirstTxOfGtx" : "true", |
"aggIndTXStarted" : "true", |
"deviceName" : "idg7600", |
"timeSecond" : "39", |
"aggUuidGtidEpochSeconds" : "1500948879", |
"timeSecondInDay" : "18879", |
"timeMinuteInDay" : "314", |
"timeYearOnly" : "2017", |
"timeInMicroSec" : "1500948879569000", |
"srcNodeName" : "NODE0", |
"timeDay" : "25", |
"microSecTimestamp" : "2017-07-25T05:14:39.569000+0000", |
"WDPTutXUuidGtidDeviceId" : "802d48ad", |
"timeInMil" : "1500948879569", |
"timeZone" : "+0000", |
"transactionId" : "527556", |
"timeMinute" : "14", |
"timeMonthNum" : "07", |
"domainName" : "APIMgmt_ACB198F9A6", |
"timeMicroSec" : "569000", |
"timeHour" : "05", |
"WDPTutXUuidGtidTid" : "00080cc4", |
"aggRecordVersion" : "", |
"technicalServiceName" : "GetDeliveryStatus_MHJV.MPGW", |
"docAddedTimeInMil" : "1500948882966", |
"technicalErrorMessage" : "Invalid JSON format", |
"isTechnicalError" : "1", |
"aggErrorCode" : "0x02130008", |
"message" : "<11>2017-07-25T05:14:39.570000+0000 MonTierLocalId-8 [0x02130008][mpgw][error] mpgw(GetDeliveryStatus_MHJV.MPGW): trans(527556)[error][] gtid(802d48ad5976a98f00080cc4): Invalid JSON format\r", |
"aggIndTXError" : "true", |
"microSecTimestampFinish" : "2017-07-25T05:14:39.573000+0000", |
"aggIndTXFinished" : "true" |
} |
} |
Feature enablement
To enable this feature 3 steps are required: