On the next screen you configure the NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers DPOD is going to use. Keeping the internal clocks of DPOD and the monitored appliances in sync is important - as DPOD reports the time based as logged by the devices themselves.
todo: change diagram to new-name
Enter your time zone: todo: this is not shown on the screen below. Are we capturing this somewhere?
- DPOD displays a 'Do you want to continue with NTP configuration' prompt. Enter "y" to continue with NTP configuration or "n" to skip.
- Enter at least one NTP server (more then 2 is recommended )
On the next screen, DPOD lets you set the region and country for your installation.
todo: change diagram to not use Israel if not choosing singapore - also fix step 2 below-
- Select your country's region, for example: Asia Pacific Ocean (number 510)
- Select your country, for example: Singapore (number 40)
If you reject the proposed time zone, todo: what happens?TODO
- Enter the current date and time in the format of YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, for example: 2014-12-10 22:00:00
The last screen lets you select passwords for the admin users.
todo: change diagram to new-name
- Change DPOD's administrative user (montieradm) password:
- Change root user password todo: HK - is this still the same user? is this on the screen?