28/06/2018 15:30:50,085- INFO Starting LDAP Utilities
28/06/2018 15:30:50,093- INFO Reading user parameters file, path=./LDAP_parameters.properties
28/06/2018 15:30:50,097- INFO This utility is about to connect to the LDAP registry to test the configuration.
28/06/2018 15:30:50,097- INFO Please confirm connecting to the LDAP registry (y,n):
28/06/2018 15:30:51,915- INFO Connecting to the LDAP severserver, connectionUrl=ldap://ldap-server:10389
28/06/2018 15:30:51,932- INFO Connected to LDAP server successfully
28/06/2018 15:30:51,933- INFO Searching for test user, testUserName=test
28/06/2018 15:30:51,938- INFO Test user found successfully, DN=cn=test,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
28/06/2018 15:30:51,939- INFO Connecting to the LDAP severserver using test user DN and password
28/06/2018 15:30:51,944- INFO Connected to LDAP server using test user DN and password successfully
28/06/2018 15:30:51,945- INFO Searching for test user groups
28/06/2018 15:30:51,955- INFO Found 3 test user groups with the group name attribute
28/06/2018 15:30:51,956- INFO Searching for a groups attribute since builtin role method is group_attribute
28/06/2018 15:30:52,006- INFO Tested LDAP configuration against LDAP registry successfully
28/06/2018 15:30:52,006- INFO This utility is about to update the UI service configuration to work with LDAP registry.
28/06/2018 15:30:52,007- INFO To apply the new configuration, the UI service will be restarted afterwards.
28/06/2018 15:30:52,008- INFO Please confirm the configuration update (y,n):
28/06/2018 15:30:53,586- INFO Enabling LDAP configuration in database
28/06/2018 15:30:53,949- INFO Enabled LDAP configuration in database successfully
28/06/2018 15:30:53,951- INFO Creating a backup of UI server configuration file server.xml, backupFilePath=/app/ui/MonTier-UI/conf/server.xml.2018-06-28-153053
28/06/2018 15:30:53,957- INFO Created a backup of UI server configuration file server.xml successfully
28/06/2018 15:30:53,958- INFO Enabling LDAP configuration in UI server configuration file server.xml
28/06/2018 15:30:54,036- INFO Enabled LDAP configuration in UI server configuration file server.xml successfully
28/06/2018 15:30:54,037- INFO To apply the new configuration, the UI service needs to be restarted.
28/06/2018 15:30:54,037- INFO Please confirm the UI service restart (y,n):
28/06/2018 15:30:56,345- INFO Restarting UI server
28/06/2018 15:30:56,630- INFO Restarted UI server successfully
28/06/2018 15:30:56,630- INFO The operation completed successfully |