Table of Contents |
Column | Description |
Time | Transaction execution time |
Transaction ID | The transaction id |
Client IP | The client IP of the machine (or load balancer) where this transaction started |
Device | The device where the transaction run |
Domain | The domain where the transaction run |
Service Name | Service name |
Error Details Table
Column | Description |
Message | Message text |
Time | The timestamp (to milliseconds) the error was recorded at |
Severity | Severity of the error.
Device | The name of the device where the error was found |
Category | WDP category of the message |
Default Sort: Time, Descending.
Top Documents Count per Agent per Interval
Syslog agents per Time intervals with the most syslog documents. (default is 1 second)
Available Filters
- Time Range
- Device
- Domain
- Service
Name | Description | Default Value |
Interval | Sample interval - for example 1s=1 second, 1m= 1 minute | 1s |
howManyResults | Number of top intervals to return, the max value is 65535 | 100 |
Summary Table
Column | Description |
key | Syslog agent name |
DPS | Syslog documents per agent |
key | Epoch Time starting the interval |
DPS | Syslog documents per that interval |
Default Sort: DPS, Descending.
Top Documents Count per Interval
Column | Description |
Elapsed (ms.) | The elapsed time in milliseconds of the transaction |
Time | Transaction execution time |
Transaction ID | Transaction id |
Client IP | The client IP of the machine (or load balancer) where this transaction started |
Device Name | Device executing the transaction |
Global Transaction ID | Global transaction id |
Domain Name | The domain on the device |