Additional Filters in APIC View
Filter Name | Functionality |
Catalog | Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the Catalog that was used during the API call. |
Space | Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the Space that was used during the API call. |
Product | Filter the displayed transactions by the product name that was consumed by the API call. |
Plan | Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the Plan that was used during the API call. |
API Name | Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the API that was activated. |
API Version | Filter the displayed transactions by the version of the API that was activated. |
App Name | Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the consumer application name that made the API call. |
HTTP Method | Filter the displayed transactions by the HTTP Method that was used in the API call HTTP request |
Path URL | Filter the displayed transactions by the URL that was activated by the client. |
FE HTTP Res. Code | (Front-End HTTP Response Code) Filter the displayed transactions by the HTTP Response Code that the APIC sent back to the client. |
BE HTTP Res. Code | (Back-End HTTP Response Code) Filter the displayed transactions by the HTTP Response Code that the APIC received from the back-end. |
Consumer Org Name | Filter the displayed transactions by the Consumer Organization Name that the client who activated the API call belongs to. |
Client ID | Filter the displayed transactions by the ID of the client that activated the API call. Client IDs are generated by the API Management Server during client registration. |
Client IP | Filter the displayed transactions by the client IP address or load balancer address of the consumer that made the API call. |
OAuth Scope | Filter the displayed transactions by the Scope of the OAuth Token that was delivered by the client in the API call. |
OAuth Resource Owner | Filter the displayed transactions by the Resource Owner of the OAuth Token that was delivered by the client in the API call. |
OAuth Token Valid From | Filter the displayed transactions by the time that the OAuth Token is valid from. |
OAuth Token Valid Until | Filter the displayed transactions by the time that the OAuth Token is valid to. |
Min Request Latency | Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time it took to process the request (in ms). |
Min Response Latency | Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time it took to process the response (in ms). |
Min Back-End Latency | Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time it took to wait for the backend server to reply (in ms). |
Min Total Latency | Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time that the API tarnsaction took till a response was returned to the client (in ms). |
Min Request Size | Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum size of the request. |
Min Response Size | Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum size of the response. |
Error Reason | Filter the display to only show transactions that failed, where the error reason contains the term typed in the input box for this filter. |
Error Message | Filter the display to only show transactions that failed, where the error message contains the term typed in the input box for this filter. |
Policy Name | Filter the displayed transactions by the policy name of the element in API diagram. |