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Additional Filters in APIC View

Filter NameFunctionality
API Name 
Catalog Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the
Catalog that was
used during the API call.
API Version 
Space Filter the displayed transactions by the
name of the
Space that was
used during the API call.
Back-End HTTP Response Code 
ProductFilter the displayed transactions
by the HTTP Response Code that the APIC recieved from the backend.Catalog Name 
by the product name that was consumed by the API call. 
Plan Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the
Plan that was used during the API call.
Client ID 
API Name Filter the displayed transactions by the
name of the
API that was activated
the API call. 
Client IDs are generated by the API Management Server during client registration.Consumer Org
API Version Filter the displayed transactions by the version of the API that was activated.
App NameFilter the displayed transactions
by the Consumer Organization Name that the client who activated
by the name of the consumer application name that made the API call
belongs to
Error Message 
HTTP Method Filter the
display to only show transactions that failed, where the error message contains the
term typed in the input box for this filter.Error Reason Filter the display to only show transactions that failed, where the error reason contains the
term typed in the input box for this filter.
displayed transactions by the HTTP Method that was used in the API call HTTP request
Path URL 

Filter the displayed transactions by the URL that was activated by the client.

FE HTTP Res. Code (Front-End HTTP Response
Code) Filter the displayed transactions by the HTTP Response Code that the APIC sent back to the client.
Res. Code (Back-End HTTP Response Code) Filter the displayed transactions
by the HTTP Method that was used in the API call HTTP requestOperation
by the HTTP Response Code that the APIC received from the back-end.
Consumer Org NameFilter the displayed transactions by the Consumer Organization Name that the client who activated the API call belongs to.
Client ID Filter the displayed transactions by the ID of the
client that
was activated during the
activated the API call. 
Client IDs are generated by the API Management Server during client registration.
Client IPFilter the displayed transactions by the client IP address or load balancer address of the consumer that made the API call.
OAuth Scope Filter the displayed transactions by the Scope of the OAuth Token that was delivered by the client in the API call.
OAuth Resource Owner Filter the displayed transactions by the Resource Owner of the OAuth Token that was delivered by the client in the API call.
OAuth Token Valid From Filter the displayed transactions by the time that the OAuth Token is valid from.
OAuth Token Valid Until Filter the displayed transactions by the time that the OAuth Token is valid to
.Plan ID Filter the displayed transactions by the ID of the Plan that was used during the API call. Plan Name Filter the displayed transactions by the name of the Plan that was used during the API call.Product NameFilter the displayed transactions by the product name that was consumed by the API call
Request Latency Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time it took to process the request (in ms).
Response Latency Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time it took to process the response (in ms).
Back-End Latency Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time it took to wait for the backend server to reply (in ms).
Total Latency Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum time that the API tarnsaction took till a response was returned to the client (in ms).
Min Request Size Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum size of the request.
Min Response Size Filter the displayed transactions by the minimum size of the response.
Path URL 
Error Reason Filter the
displayed transactions by the URL that was activated by the client.Space Name 
display to only show transactions that failed, where the error reason contains the
term typed in the input box for this filter.
Error Message Filter the display to only show transactions that failed, where the error message contains the
term typed in the input box for this filter.
Policy NameFilter the displayed transactions by the policy name of the
Space that was used during the API call
element in API diagram.