Versions Compared


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It can also disable the LDAP configuration in order to rollback to the internal database registry.

Please make sure to complete all the information in Planning LDAP Configuration, which includes detailed explanation on all the parameters.

Parameters File

A template of the LDAP parameters file is provided at /app/utils/




Should be "user_attribute" (for scenario A) or "group_attribute" (for scenario B).
e.g. group_attribute

testUserNameThe username user name of a user for testing
e.g. adminford

The password of a user for testing
Note: This password is used only for testing and is not stored in the configuration database and files
e.g. pass123

connectionUrlLDAP server URL including port. Use ldap:// prefix for non-SSL connection and ldaps:// prefix for SSL connection.
e.g. ldap://

Follow or ignore Whether LDAP referrals should be followed or ignored (follow/ignore)
e.g. ignore

connectionNameQuery user distinguished name (DN)
e.g. cn=LDAP Query User,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
connectionPasswordQuery user password
Note: This password will be encrypted and stored in the configuration database and files
e.g. pass123


User search base entry
e.g. ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
userSearchSubtreeUser search query sub-tree (true/false)
e.g. true

User search filter
Use {0} as a placeholder for the user name entered in the login screen
e.g. (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName={0}))


Group search base entry
e.g. ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org


Group search query search sub-tree (true/false)
e.g. true


Group search filter
Use {0} as a placeholder for the full DN of the user found in the LDAP server
e.g. (&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(uniqueMember={0}))


Nested groups Group search nested (true/false)
e.g. true


Group entry role attribute name
e.g. cn


For scenario A only
User entry role attribute name
e.g. "DPODRole"
