Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Alerts may be published to a Syslog server using legacy format.

Syslog Legacy Format for Flatline/Frequency



An example of an alert:

Code Block
<16>Oct 23 15:40:43 dpod [0x00a0001a][DPOD-alert][info] AlertName:(Devices CPU Metric) AlertDesc:(Alert on Devices CPU over 80%)
on:(idg77) Subject:(Device:idg77) Value:(85.0) Threshold:(75.0)
TimeInterval:(timestampStart:10/23/2018 15:35:43.714,timestampStartLong:1540298143714,timestampEnd:10/23/2018 15:40:43.714,timestampEndLong:1540298443714)


<IP ADDRESS>/op/#deviceResources:-deviceNameOp:eq-deviceName:idg77-productView:idg-timeRangeType:custom-timeRangeStart:1663599211803-timeRangeEnd:1663599511803)

Field Name



Syslog facility code


Always <16>.


Oct 23 15:40:43

AlertThe alert's execution time.

DPOD server host name


The host name of DPOD server that generated the alert.

Alerts Syslog Message ID


Always [0x00a0001a].



Always [DPOD-alert].

Severity Level


May be set via System Parameters ("Syslog Severity Field Value").

Alert Name

AlertName:(Devices CPU Metric)

The alert name as defined in Alerts Setup.

Alert Description

AlertDesc:(Alert on Devices CPU over 80%)

The alert description as defined in Alerts Setup.

Alerted Object


The object (device, service, message, etc.) the alert was generated on.

Alert Subject


A list of properties for the object the alert was generated on.

Alert Value


The query's result value.

Alert Threshold


The alert error threshold as defined in Alerts Setup.

Time Range

timeInterval:(timestampStart:10/23/2018 15:35:43.714,timestampStartLong:1540298143714,
timestampEnd:10/23/2018 15:40:43.714,timestampEndLong:1540298443714)

The time frame for the alert's execution.

Investigate URL

InvestigateUrl:(https://<IP ADDRESS DPOD>ADDRESS>/op/#deviceResources:-deviceNameOp:eq-deviceName:idg77-productView:idg-timeRangeType:custom-timeRangeStart:1663599211803-timeRangeEnd:1663599511803)

An investigate link that displays the data that triggered each alert in DPOD Web Console.

Syslog Legacy Format for Any/List



An example of an alert:

Code Block
<16>Oct 24 08:30:23 dpod[0x00a0001a][DPOD-alert][info] AlertName:(Objects Down Alert) AlertDesc:(Alert on any DP object that is enabled but down)
on:([LogTarget, The initial server connection could not be started., apic2018_compat_idg2, DPOD-MSC-1805-2, SideCalls_Domain])
Subject:(objectStatusObjectClass:LogTarget,objectStatusErrorCode:The initial server connection could not be started.,objectStatusDeviceName:apic2018_compat_idg2,objectStatusName:DPOD-MSC-1805-2,objectStatusDomainName:SideCalls_Domain)
TimeInterval:(timestampStart:09/19/2022 18:20:40.034,timestampStartLong:1663600840034,timestampEnd:09/19/2022 18:25:40.034,timestampEndLong:1663601140034)


<IP ADDRESS>/op/#apicFailedObjects:-deviceNameOp:eq-deviceName:apic2018_ucompat_uidg2-domainNameOp:eq-domainName:SideCalls_uDomain-objectTypeOp:eq-objectType:LogTarget-objectNameOp:eq-objectName:DPOD_dMSC_d1805_d2-productView:apic)

Field Name



Syslog facility code


Always <16>


Oct 24 08:30:23

AlertThe alert's execution time.

DPOD server host name


The host name of DPOD server that generated the alert.

Alerts Syslog Message ID


Always [0x00a0001a].



Always [DPOD-alert].

Severity Level


May be set via System Parameters ("Syslog Severity Field Value").

Alert Name

AlertName:(Objects Down Alert)

The alert name as defined in Alerts Setup.

Alert Description

AlertDesc:(Alert on any DP object that is enabled but down)

The alert description as defined in Alerts Setup.

Alerted Object

on:([LogTarget, The initial server connection could not be started., apic2018_compat_idg2, DPOD-MSC-1805-2, SideCalls_Domain])

The object (device, service, message, etc.) the alert was generated on.

Time Range

TimeInterval:(timestampStart:09/19/2022 18:20:40.034,timestampStartLong:1663600840034,timestampEnd:09/19/2022 18:25:40.034,timestampEndLong:1663601140034)

The time frame for the alert's execution.

Investigate URL

InvestigateUrl:(https://<IP ADDRESS DPOD>/op/#apicFailedObjects:-deviceNameOp:eq-deviceName:apic2018_ucompat_uidg2-domainNameOp:eq-domainName:SideCalls_uDomain-objectTypeOp:eq-objectType:LogTarget-objectNameOp:eq-objectName:DPOD_dMSC_d1805_d2-productView:apic)

An investigate link that displays the data that triggered each alert in DPOD Web Console.
